American Energy Systems Catalytic BBF User Manual
Page 37

pieces of wadded up newspaper and then add some small diameter wood, small dry kindling, or even rolled up newspaper.
AGAIN, be cautious, as the amount of fuel put in will determine how long the fire burns. The first fire could just be some
wadded up paper and kindling to determine how well the stove drafts and to determine if there are any “leaks” in the
Light an edge of the newspaper and close the stove door. The fire should spread quickly as the combustion air
control is wide open allowing for an unlimited fuel-air mixture. As the stove warms up, the temperature of the probe
thermometer should start to climb but should not exceed much over 400
F to 500
F due to the limited fuel and the fire
should quickly burn out (unless a really large amount of fuel was put into the firebox.) Any smoke should be seen moving
to the back-center-top part of the firebox as the exhaust gases rise up the chimney. NOTE: If the smoke builds up in the
firebox or any smoke is seen coming out of the combustion air controls, ensure a window close to the stove is opened
slightly to improve the stove draft. AGAIN, a chimney, in order to properly draft must be warm (hot air rises) so a flow
of fresh air must be available to the stove. Ensure other house fans or other devices consuming air are not causing limited
or negative pressure to the catalytic stove. As the stove temperature rises, the chimney system should become more
efficient in removing unwanted exhaust gases as draft improves.
The stove should be completely cool before attempting to correct any problems discovered during the first fire or
before repeating the first fire process.
The homeowner should be confident of both the understanding of the stove controls and a properly operating
stove and chimney system before creating a large fire in the system.
Stove system draft problems may exist if any of the following systems are observed during the first few small
Smoke enters the living area after the chimney has warmed up and a window, close to the
stove, has been opened slightly.
The small fire’s burn rate was slow or the fire extinguished itself before burning up all
The chimney system may not have the proper clearances to obstructions with in the
vicinity outside the home.
The geographical location of the house and chimney system causes a consistent
The chimney system was pre-existing and has not been properly cleaned or has
The chimney system, whether old or new, was not been properly sealed along the full
length of the liner. Leaks will reduce the amount of chimney draft.
2. After several attempts with small fires, if the homeowner suspects any of the problems above or even if they are not
sure what the problem is, it may be necessary to call a certified chimney sweep and have them bring in equipment to
measure the chimney draft. At a minimum, a chimney should draft between 0.05 to 0.07 inches of water column.
3. High tech stoves of all types are more sensitive to drafting problems. If a stove is 100% efficient, that means
100% of the heat is going into the home and no heat goes up the chimney. However, for a chimney system to work
properly, the air entering the chimney must be heated so that it will rise and thus create a draft behind it. Some of these
suggestions may help to remedy drafting problems.
Open the catalytic bypass rod to open the flue damper before opening the stove door.
Open the flue damper and combustion air slides anywhere from 30 seconds to 1 minute before opening the
stove door. This will increase draft by heating the chimney thus keeping smoke or smoke smell from entering
the house as more fuel is added to the fire.
Turn off all vents or exhaust fans. Keep stove doors closed during normal operation. Only open the doors to
refuel the stove. Verify that no other draft-robbing appliances are in operation. Slightly crack a door or
window near your stove/insert to promote a good draft.
In severe cases with inserts, a positive connection to the fireplace damper or to the top of the chimney may be
necessary to correct leaks caused by broken or cracked tiles.