ADLINK PCM-9112+ User Manual

Page 81

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C/C++ Library


5.29 _9112_Alloc_DMA_Mem

@ Description

Contacts Windows 95 system to allocate a block of contiguous memory
for DMA transfer. This function is only available in Windows 95 version.

@ Syntax

Visual C++(Windows-95)

int W_9112_Alloc_DMA_Mem (unsigned long buf_size, HANDLE

*memID, unsigned long *linearAddr)

Visual Basic (Windows-95)

W_9112_Alloc_DMA_Mem (ByVal buf_size As Long, memID As

Long, linearAddr As Long) As Long

@ Argument:

buf_size: Bytes to allocate. Please be careful, the

unit of this @ Argument is BYTE, not SAMPLE.

memID: If the memory allocation is successful, driver

returns the ID of that memory in this @ Argument.

Use this memory ID in W_9112_AD_DMA_Start or
W_9112_ContDmaStart function call.

linearAddr: The linear address of the allocated DMA

memory. You can use this linear address as a
pointer in C/C++ to access the DMA data.

@ Return Code:
