ADLINK PCM-9112+ User Manual
Page 74

• C/C++ Library
5.21 _9112_ContDmaStop
@ Description
This function is used to stop continuous DMA data transfers.
@ Syntax
Visual C++ (Windows-95)
int W_9112_ContDmaStop (int card_number)
Visual Basic (Windows-95)
W_9112_ContDmaStop (ByVal card_number As Long) As Long
C/C++ ( DOS)
int _9112_ContDmaStop (int card_number)
@ Argument:
the card number of PCI-9112
@ Return Code:
ERR_NoError, ERR_BoardNoInit
@ Example:
See Demo Program 'AD_DEMO5.C'
5.22 _9112_AD_INT_Start
@ Description
This function will perform A/D conversion N times with interrupt data
transfer. It takes place in the background and will not stop until the Nth
conversion has been completed or your program executes the
_9112_AD_INT_Stop() function to stop the process. After executing this
function, it is necessary to check the status of the operation by using the
function 9112_AD_INT_Status(). The function is performed on single
A/D channel with a fixed analog input range.
@ Syntax
Visual C++(Windows-95)
int W_9112_AD_INT_Start(int card_number, int auto_scan,
int ad_ch_no, int ad_range, int count, unsigned
long *ad_buffer, int c1, int c2)
Visual Basic (Windows-95)
W_9112_ AD_INT_Start (ByVal card_number As Long, ByVal
auto_scan As Long, ByVal ad_ch_no As Long, ByVal
ad_range As Long, ByVal count As Long, ad_buffer As
Integer,ByVal c1 As Long, ByVal c2 As Long) As Long
C/C++ (DOS)
int _9112_INT_Start (int card_number, int auto_scan, int
ad_ch_no, int ad_range,int count, unsigned long
*ad_buffer, int c1, int c2)