USL LSS-100 User Manual

Page 15

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LSS−100P Installation & Operation Manual


Multiple Logs on One Page

It may be desirable to have a single web page that includes the logs from multiple LSS-100P units (for
example, all the auditoriums in a particular theater). This can be accomplished using HTML iframes
(inline frames). Sample code to include multiple LSS-100P log pages is shown below. This code can be
placed on the computer the browser is running on or on a local web server.

Obispo LSS-100 Summary

Obispo LSS-100 Summary

The iframe does a “client side include” of multiple web pages. The attributes of the iframe tag are
described below.

The seamless and frameborder=”0” attributes merge the fetched log pages into the resulting page with
no frame borders so it appears to be one page.

The src attribute contains the URL of the log to be inserted at this point. It is simplest to connect to the
LSS-100P home page, click log, then copy the resulting URL for use here with the changes listed below.

Delete the “rn=xx&” from the URL. rn holds the first record number to be displayed. The next part of the
URL (“n=100”) indicates how many records will be shown. If rn is deleted, the LSS-100P shows the n
most recent records. By deleting rn from the URL in the iframe, your page will always show the most
recent log entries.

Change “n=100” to “n=20” or some other number indicating the number of log entries you want shown
on this combined log page. If you do a daily log review, you may want to show three days worth of log
entries to ensure data from weekends is reviewed.

GuiTz can generally remain unchanged. It is the offset in seconds from UTC where the browser is
located. Similarly, the GuiTzName can remain unchanged. You may need to change DST between 1 and 0
depending on whether daylight saving time is currently in effect. You could build two pages (one for DST
and one for standard time) or include the javascript at the top of the LSS-100P home page that
determines whether DST is in effect at the GUI.

The width attribute is set to 100% so the iframe consumes 100% of the width of the browser window.
The height is specified in pixels. If this is too small, scroll bars will appear on the resulting web page for
each of the iframes. Making it too large results in empty space on the page. Experiment with this until
you get the look you want for multiple logs on a single web page.