TriangleTube Prestige Cascade System User Manual
Page 40

Power Supply
A dedicated 120 VAC/15A minimum service must be
used to power the boilers in the Cascade System.
Multiple boilers in the Cascade System can be placed on
the same electrical circuit. Each boiler can draw a maxi-
mum of 8 amps.
Multiple Boiler Control
The TriMax Boiler Management System includes a cas-
cade function which allows up to six Prestige boilers to
operate together in a single heating system. Consult the
Prestige TriMax Control Supplement for more informa-
tion on the built in cascade function. If necessary to con-
trol more than six boilers, Triangle Tube’s Optima SCC4
(PSCON03) and SCC4 Extension Modules (PSCON04)
can be used to control up to sixteen boilers. Contact
Triangle Tube Technical Support for more information
regarding Triangle Tube’s Optima Series of Multiple
Boiler Controls.
The TriMax Boiler Management System includes the abil-
ity to communicate with building management systems
(BMS) through a Modbus interface. Building management
system gateways are also available for BACnet
systems. Consult the Prestige TriMax Control
Supplement for more information.
CSD-1 P/S or R/R with Valve Kit
1. A high limit control and a low water cut off are
required for each boiler and should be wired to ter-
minals 9 & 10 of the boiler terminal strip, see Figure
34, page 38.
2. Ensure wiring to terminals 9 & 10 utilize a dry set of
contacts with no power (24V or 120V) being brought
back or taken from the terminals on the boiler.
3. When wiring to terminals 9 & 10, an open set of
contacts will result in an E87 External Limit Open
hard lock out for that individual boiler.
4. While in a hard lock out condition the auxiliary
boiler pump & CH(1) pump wired to the boiler will
be energized.
5. To reset the boiler the condition will need to be cor-
rected and then the boiler will need to be reset.
1. A single high limit control and low water cut off
control for the Cascade system can be wired to each
boiler through an isolation relay. A dry contact input
relay is included with the common vent system and
can be used for all external limits. See Fig. 35, page
39. If the common vent system is not being utilized,
each boiler will require a 120 VAC coil relay with a
normally open contact. See Fig. 35A, page 40.
2. Ensure wiring to terminals 9 & 10 utilize a dry set of
contacts with no power (24V or 120V) being brought
back or taken from the terminals on the boiler.
3. When wiring to terminal 9 & 10 an open set of con-
tacts will result in an E87 External Limit Open hard
lock out.
4. To reset the boilers the condition will need to be cor-
rected and then each boiler will need to be reset.