Top Flite KittiWake User Manual
Rc-36 kittiwake instruction manual, Top flite models inc

The KittiWake, proof-positive that there
can be more to R/C seaplane flying than
just take-offs and landings! Top Flite
Models is sure that your KittiWake will
provide you with hours of flying fun and
Realistic, finished flying weights of 3 to
3-1/2 pounds can be expected when the
model is built to the following instruc-
tions. Our prototypes were all covered
and flown with Monokote® coverings.
The covering instructions will give you
the details of how we accomplished the
few extra precautions that should be ex-
ercised when covering a seaplane.
Engine selection for your KittiWake is im-
portant. Our prototypes have been
powered with a variety of engines, rang-
ing from .19's through .28's. The KittiWake
that is shown in the ads and on the label
of your kit has a O.S. .25 FSR installed
with a Mac's muffler. This has been an
excellent combination, providing lots of power at the top
end while offering an excellent and reliable idle. A
reliable idle is an absolute must! Face it,yourKittiWake
will have to spend a portion of each flight taxiing on the
water and without a reliable idling engine, you better
have access to a boat to go out and get it when the
engine "flames out." Take extra time to work on the idle
of the engine you choose—it will pay off later.
While on the subject of engines, it is worthwhile to point
out that the physical mounting of your engine does not
necessarily have to be a side-mount, as shown. Your
engine can be mounted up-right, at a 45 degree angle,
even inverted (although we do not necessarily like an in-
verted engine in a seaplane due to potential flooding
problems). Generally speaking, the use of a muffler on
your engine is highly recommended as it greatly
enhances the idle characteristics as well as serving to
keep you on good terms with people who may also be at
your flying site! Therefore, mounting your engine in the
nose of your KittiWake should take into consideration
the positioning of the muffler. Mounting the engine up-
right or at a 45 degree angle allows the use of most
engine's stock muffler set-ups. Side mounting the
engine, as we did, most usually requires a replacement
muffler (one with a longer header) or a header extension.
Our prototypes all used fiber-filled motor mounts, sized
for whatever engine chosen for the airplane. Your local
retailer should be able to supply you with the correct
mount for your engine.
TOP FLITE MODELS, INC. does not recommend the
KittiWake as a first R/C powered aircraft. However, if you
are a beginner to the sport of R/C flying, we would urge
you to seek and use experienced assistance in con-
structing and flying this airplane. Again, if you are new
to this hobby, consider this:
Flying this or any other radio-controlled model aircraft is
a PRIVILEGE and not a RIGHT and this privilege begins
with the utmost safety considerations to others and
yourself as well. An R/C model airplane in inexperienced