Top Flite TOPA0305 Part 1 User Manual

Page 17

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ST14. Glue the four die-cut1/8" balsa rudder

torque rod blocks betweenR1A and R2 in

the rudder.



Cut six 1-718" long hinge blocks from the

1/4" x 3 / 8

x 36" balsa stick. Test fit, then glue the

hinge blocks, evenly spaced, to the fin TE spar and

the rudder LE spar where shown on the plan.

ST16. Glue the die-cut 1/8" balsa fin gusset to

the hinge block and rib R6. The gusset should be



it is even with the left side of the fin TE

and rib R6

(so it does not interfere with the

hinge slot).

ST17. Trim the elevator torque rod blocks and

any hinge blocks

so they are even with the ribs.






ST18. Cut a 5" long fin post from

a 114" x 318" x


basswood stick. Bevel one end

so it matches

the plan. Bevel the sides to accommodate the
sheeting. Set the fin post aside for now.

ST19. Reinforce glue joints that don't

look strong.

ST20. Glue the other rudder and fin skin to the

right side of the rudder and fin. Optional: Use the
die-cut 1/8" balsa finlstab cradles R l C and R6C

to hold the fin and rudder flat on your workbench
while you glue the right skins on.

ST21. Sand the tip of the fin and rudder sheeting

flush with rib R6.

ST22. Cut the ribs and separate the rudder from

the fin. Sand the excess sheeting and rib


from the TE

of the fin and the LE of the rudder.

Sand the bottom of the rudder even with rib


ST23. Glue a die-cut 118" balsa fin trailing edge

(R9) to the fin TE spar and a die-cut 1/8" balsa

rudder leading edge (R9) to the rudder LE spar.
Sand the fin TE and rudder LE

so they blend with

the tips and skins.

ST24. Use the

straightedge and pin technique to

draw a centerline on the LE of the rudder and the
TE of the fin.

ST25. Cut the hinge slots on the centerline of

the fin and rudder where shown on the plan.

ST26. Cut three more hinges from the hinge

strip and temporarily join the rudder to the fin. If
necessary, adjust the hinge slots

so the fin and

rudder align.

ST27. Securely tape the rudder to the fin with

masking tape on both sides. Sand the ends of the

fin and rudder


they are even.

ST28. Draw a centerline on the top and bottom

of the 518" x 718"

x 6-1/4" balsa fin tip block. Cut

the block into two pieces as shown on the plan.

Sand the edges you just cut

so they are smooth

and match the angle on the plan.

- 1 6 -

ST29. Use thick or medium CA to glue the

rudder tip block only to the rudder. Use the
centerline on the rudder tip block as a guide to
make sure it is centered on the rudder and fin.

ST30. Glue the fin tip to the fin, making sure

there is a 1/16" gap between the fin tip and the

rudder tip.

ST31. Use a razor plane or a hobby carving

knife followed by sanding to carefully shape the fin

and rudder tip blocks. Inspect your progress
frequently and use the centerlines as a guide.

Hint: Stick a T-pin through the top of the rudder tip
into the fin. This will hold the rudder tip while you

shape it.

ST32. Shape the LE of the fin as you did with

the stab.

ST33. Separate the rudder from the fin.

ST34. Shape the leading edge of the rudder to a

" V " as you did with the elevators. Use the

centerline on the leading edge as a guide. Make
sure the angle of the "V" will allow the throws

indicated in the back of this manual.

ST35. Rejoin the rudder to the fin with the

hinges. Shift the rudder upward


there i s

approximately a 1/32" gap between the rudder tip
and the fin.