Top Flite TOPA0140 User Manual
Page 31

15. Return to step 1 and build the other aileron
the same way
Let’s finish up the woodwork on the wing before
we hook up the ailerons and move on to the
1. If you haven’t already done so, sand the top
and bottom sheeting of the wing even with the sub
leading edge.
2. Glue the center leading edge to the center
section with thick or medium CA. You have already
drilled holes in it so it will slip over the dowels.
Hold the center section in position until the CA
cures. Trim the ends even with the center section.
3. Glue both shaped balsa leading edges to
the sub leading edge of both wing panels. Make
sure they are centered on the front of the wing.
You could use CA, but you may need a little
working time to align the LE as you bend it to the
wing; therefore, we recommend using aliphatic
resin and masking tape to hold it in place until the
glue dries.
While you’re waiting for the glue to dry on the
leading edges, you can get started on the wing tips.
4. Glue the die-cut 1/32" [0.8mm] plywood wing
tip core between two shaped 1/2" [12.7mm] balsa
wing tips. Make another wing tip with the
same parts.
True up both ends of the wing and the end of
the wing tips where the two will join.
6. After the glue that holds the leading edges to
the wing is dry, remove the masking tape. Use a
razor plane or a bar sander to blend the leading
edges to the wing and shape them as shown in the
cross sections on the plan.
❏ ❏
7. Glue a wing tip to the left wing. Be sure to
align the 3/32" [2.4mm] ply wing tip core with the
trailing edge and the center of the leading edge.
❏ ❏
8. Use your razor plane or a bar sander to
sand the tip to match the shape of the wing. Do not
round the wing tip until the next step.
❏ ❏
9. Round the wing tip as shown in the photo
and the profile drawn on the plan.
10. Glue the other wing tip to the wing and
shape it the same way.
Let’s wrap this thing up. Just a few more steps and
your wing will be finished!
Finish both ailerons and make the control rods at
the same time even though the photos show only
one side.
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