Top Flite TOPA0140 User Manual

Page 20

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16. Take the center section off of your

building board.

Perform steps 17 through 21 only if you are
building flaps.

17. Mount your flap servo to two 5/16" x 3/4" x

7/8" [7.9 x 19.1 x 22.2mm] hardwood servo
with the screws included with your servo.
Use 30-minute epoxy to glue the servo mounts to
the die-cut 1/8" [3.2mm] plywood mount plate.

18. Make a one-arm servo horn from one of

your standard servo horns by cutting off the extra
arms. Insert a 0-80 ball screw in your servo arm.
Secure the ball screw with a drop of thread lock
and a 0-80 hex nut.

19. Cut an opening in the top sheeting and trim

rib 1 as necessary to accommodate your flap
servo and the mount plate.

20. Position the servo mount plate on the servo

plate base (in the center section of the wing) so
the ball on the servo arm aligns with the holes in
both #2 ribs (where the flap pushrod will come
through). Drill 1/16" [1.60mm] holes at the punch
marks in the servo mount plate through the servo
plate base.

21. Turn the center section over. Glue strips of

leftover 1/8" [3.2mm] ply to the bottom of the
plate base across the holes you drilled (see the
following photo). Re drill the holes in the plate
base through the strips with a 1/16" [1.60mm] drill.
Enlarge the holes in the servo mount plate only
with a 3/32" [2.40mm] drill. Temporarily mount the
servo mount plate to the plate base with four #2 x
3/8" [9.5mm] screws.

22. Remove the jig tabs from the bottom of the

ribs. Sand the top sheeting and sub LE even with
the ribs on both sides of the center section.

23. Test fit the laser-cut 1/8" [3.2mm] plywood

forward wing joiners, top and bottom aft wing
and the die-cut leading edge joiners.
Round one end of both 1/4" x 4" [6.4 x 102mm]
hardwood wing dowels and test fit them in the
sub leading edge and the aft wing dowel plates.

Note: You may have to cut a small section from
the wing sheeting ahead of the top spar to install

the forward joiners. If necessary, adjust the
notches in the ribs or remove excess glue so the
joiners fit well.

Each of the next three steps requires 30-minute
epoxy, so try to finish them all before taking a break.

24. Glue all the joiners to the center section

only with 30-minute epoxy. Wipe away excess
epoxy before it cures.

25. Glue the wing dowels in the center section

with 30-minute epoxy.

26. Drill a 1/4" [6.30mm] hole through both

punch marks in the wing bolt plate. Use 30-minute
epoxy to glue the wing bolt plate into the notches
of ribs 1 and 2 in the center section.

27. Sand the bottom of the center section so the

spars, sub LE and ribs blend. Bevel the TE of the
top sheeting to accommodate the bottom sheeting.

28. Glue the bottom sheeting to the center

section. After the glue dries, sand the edges of the
sheeting even with the ribs on both ends of the
center section.

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