Chpater5. creating firmware, 1 how to create a firmware, Chpater5. creating firmware -1 – Solvline Eddy DK Ver 2.20 User Manual
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Chapter 5. Creating Firmware
Chpater5. Creating Firmware
In the previous chapter we explained how to make and compile application program with sample program. This
chapter introduces methods to create a firmware that permanently saves the application into the Eddy module.
5.1 How to create a firmware
Firmware image can be created in Eddy_DK_2xx/ramdisk folder.
Makefile in Eddy_DK_2xx/ramdisk can be altered so that execution file is added to release part to using “Make
release” command, or execution file can be copied to ramdisk/root/sbin using cp command.
Copy the execution file to Eddy_DK_2xx/ramdisk/root/sbin.
Below displays “Hello_World” sample program copied to Eddy_DK_2xx/ramdisk/root/sbin.
[shlee@localhost sbin]$ ls
com_redirect* fdisk@ halt@ ifconfig@ insmod@ loopback* mdev@ pinetd*
reboot@ setconsole@ swapon@ tae* tcp_server* vconfig@ def* freeramdisk@ hdparm@
ifdown@ klogd@ losetup@ mkswap@ pivot_root@ rmmod@ start-stop-daemon@
switch_root@ tcp_broadcast* udhcpc@ detect* fsck@ help@ ifup@ kt* lsmod@
modprobe@ portview*
[shlee@localhost sbin]$ pwd
[shlee@localhost sbin]$
[shlee@localhost Eddy-DK_20a]$ cd ramdisk/root/sbin/* Make.check* firmware/ ramdisk/ src/ tool/
[shlee@localhost Eddy-DK_20a]$ ls