5 installing to linux host, 1 installing toolchain, 2 installing eddy dk source – Solvline Eddy DK Ver 2.20 User Manual
Page 29: 5 installing to linux host -6, 1 installing toolchain -6, 2 installing eddy dk source -6, Installing toolchain, Installing eddy dk source

Chapter 3. Development environment
3.5 Installing to Linux Host
This chapter will describe how to install Eddy development environment on a Linux host.
Explanation on this manual is based on Fedora Core 5.
In order to use Eddy’s integrated development environment, LemonIDE, refer to “LemonIDE_User_Guide” for
detailed instructions.
Installing Toolchain
Toolchain compiles source codes written in Linux environment in order that it is compatible and executable on its
target, Eddy. Toolchain install file,
“lemonide_linux_10x.tar.gz”, can be found under SDK/linux folder in Eddy
DK’s CD. Toolchain will be installed to /opt/lemonix.
Note that command is case sensitive.
Carry out all install procedures with super user privileges.
Example below assumes that CDROM is mounted on /mnt/cdrom
If CDROM is mounted on a different location, path displayed below will bear difference.
Installing Eddy DK Source
Install Eddy DK’s entire source. Eddy DK Source file, “eddy_DK_2xx.tar.gz”, can be found under SDK/linux
folder in Eddy DK’s CD.
Install Eddy DK Source as shown below. An eddy_DK_2xx folder will be created after installation.
Unzip the file and Eddy_DK_2xx folder will be created and installation is completed. Below displays contents of
Eddy_DK_2xx folder.
# cd /
# tar -zxvf /mnt/cdrom/SDK/linux/lemonide*.tar.gz -C /
# pwd
# tar -zxvf eddy_DK_2*.tar.gz