Solvline Eddy DK Ver 2.20 User Manual
Page 36

Chapter4. Compiling Application
debugging. But when Eddy is reset or restarted, the program will be lost. In order to permanently store the program,
you have to create a firmware.
Power on Eddy and connect via Telnet. (See Eddy User Guide for details)
Now connect via FTP to upload sample program to Eddy.
ID and password used for connecting to Eddy’s ftp server are same as ones used for telnet connection.
The following example shows how the application 'Hello_World' is uploaded on to /tmp directory on Eddy.
Please make sure that the transfer mode is set as binary. Use “put
Below example displays how to access and upload a program to Eddy using an FTP on Linux environment.
On Windows, use FTP in cmd(command prompt) to upload a program.
When the transfer is finished you can see the files at telnet terminal.
Uploaded files needs execute permission in order to run.
You can do so by issuing ‘chmod’ command
After changing to executable mode, run “./Hello_World”.
Eddy login: eddy
Password: 99999999
# cd /tmp
; after connection, move to /tmp
[shlee@localhost Eddy_APPs]$ ftp
Name ( eddy
331 Please specify the password.
230 Login successful.
ftp> cd /tmp
ftp> bin
ftp> put Hello_World
8914 bytes sent in 0.00027 seconds (3.3e+04 Kbytes/s)
ftp> bye
[shlee@localhost Eddy_APPs]$