2 language, 3 development environment, 4 installing to windows host – Solvline Eddy DK Ver 2.20 User Manual
Page 25: 2 language -2, 3 development environment -2, 4 installing to windows host -2

Chapter 3. Development environment
Firmware directory
Kernel image, file system image, and configuration image are stored.
Ramdisk directory
flash: Configuration information is stored.
root: Information for the file system is stored.
Tools directory
Tools used for creating image files is stored.
Directory where source codes of the applications included in Eddy are stored..
Detailed description of src directory is at
Chapter4. Compiling Application
- Eddy-APPs : Source code of the application run by Eddy is stored.
- Other folders contain open sources needed by Eddy.
3.2 Language
Eddy-DK application has to be written with C language. All example source codes are written in C language. You
can program application with more than one file if you program with C language. If you are accustomed to
programming with ANSI C, Eddy application programming shouldn't be any problem.
3.3 Development environment
You need a Windows or Linux host system to use Eddy-DK.
Tested OS versions are as follows.
Windows Linux
Windows XP SP2
Windows 2000
Windows 2003
Red Hat 9.0
Fedora Core 4, 5, 6
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10.2
Ubuntu Linux 6.x, 7.x
Debian Linuv 4.0
CentOS 4.5
Asianux edition 3
3.4 Installing to Windows Host
This chapter will describe how to install Eddy development environment on a Windows host.
Explanation on this manual is based on Windows XP.
In order to use Eddy’s integrated development environment, LemonIDE, refer to “LemonIDE_User_Guide” for
detailed instructions.