Installation (continued) – SeaLand 976 Portable Toilets User Manual

Page 5

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All boats with fixed toilets in U .S . waters and in the waters of some other countries are
required to have an operable, permanently installed marine sanitation device (MSD) .
Series 970 MSD models, when permanently installed in a boat, are holding tank or
Type III systems as defined by the U .S . Coast Guard . Type III systems permit opera-
tion of the toilet without direct discharge of untreated waste after every flush . Type III
systems can be discharged at marina dockside pump-out stations or, if in coastal
waters, a minimum of three miles offshore . Overboard discharge capability must remain
secured while within the three-mile limit . If an overboard discharge pump is activated by
a keyed switch in the toilet compartment, the key must be removed at all times except
when discharge pump is operating and in the process of vessel operation .
Sewage from any source should not be discharged directly into our waters . If
you are interested in learning more about this issue, please visit our website at
www .DometicSanitation .com .

This symbol appears

on the discharge fitting

of MSD models.

Models 974MSD, 975MSD (continued)

MariNe SaNitatioN reGUlatioNS

iNStallatioN (continued)

1 . Complete steps 1-6 on page 4 .

Be sure to allow 2-3/4 in./

70 mm clearance between back of toilet and wall for MSD
fittings, discharge and vent hose assembly .

2 . Remove discharge spout from top of holding tank by turning

it counterclockwise until it unlocks (see illustration A) and
pulling it out of tank .

3 . Lubricate two small O-rings on discharge fitting with silicone

grease and attach discharge elbow adapter to discharge
fitting . Secure adapter in place with
plastic tie-wrap (see illustration B) .

4 . Lubricate large O-ring on discharge fitting and insert

discharge fitting assembly into holding tank . Rotate it so
that discharge and vent fittings point away from tank (see
illustration C) .

5 . Using hose clamp, attach 1 .5-inch (25 mm) ID discharge

hose over end of elbow adapter . Make sure discharge
hose(s) connect securely to all discharge fittings .

6 . Using hose clamp, attach 5/8-inch

(16 mm) ID vent hose to vent fitting .
Make sure vent hose connects
securely to through-hull vent
fitting .

Hose ID


1 .5 inch/38 mm


.625 inch/16 mm




Discharge elbow adapter

Discharge fitting

Vent fitting