MF Digital Spectrum 2 Designer User Manual

Page 34

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Spectrum2 Designer User’s Guide

Document Revision: 092903


that connect to and use the Software directly or simultaneously (e.g., “multiplexing” or
“pooling” software or hardware) does not reduce the number of licenses required.
Specifically, you must have that number of licenses that would equal the number of distinct
inputs to the multiplexing or pooling software or hardware “front end”). If the number of
Client Devices or seats that can connect to the Software can exceed the number of licenses
you have obtained, then you must have a reasonable mechanism in place to ensure that your
use of the Software does not exceed the use limits specified for the license you have obtained.
This license authorizes you to make or download one copy of the Documentation for each
Client Device or seat that is licensed, provided that each such copy contains all of the
proprietary notices for the Documentation.

c. Volume Use. If the Software is licensed with volume use terms specified in the

applicable product invoicing or packaging, you may make, use and install as
many additional copies of the Software on the number of Client Devices as the
volume use terms authorize. You must have a reasonable mechanism in place to
ensure that the number of Client Devices on which the Software has been
installed does not exceed the number of licenses you have obtained. This license
authorizes you to make or download one copy of the Documentation for each
additional copy authorized by the volume license, provided that each such copy
contains all of the proprietary notices for the Documentation.

2. Term. This Agreement is effective unless and until you or MF DIGITAL terminates

the Agreement earlier, in accordance with the terms set forth herein. This Agreement
will terminate automatically if you fail to comply with any of the limitations or other
requirements described herein. When this agreement terminates, you must destroy all
copies of the Software and the Documentation. You may terminate this Agreement at
any point by destroying all copies of the Software and the Documentation.

3. Updates. You may download updates to the Software when and as MF DIGITAL

publishes them via its website or other online services.

For the purposes of this license, “upgrade” means a release of all or a substantial
portion of the computer program or components of the Software.

4. Ownership Rights. The Software is protected by United States copyright laws and

international treaty provisions. MF Digital and its suppliers own and retain all right,
title and interest in and to the Software, including all copyrights, patents, trade secret
rights, trademarks and other intellectual property rights therein. You acknowledge
that your possession, installation, or use of the Software does not transfer to you any
title to the intellectual property in the Software, and that you will not acquire any
rights to the Software except as expressly set forth in this Agreement. You agree that
any copies of the Software and Documentation will contain the same proprietary
notices that appear on and in the Software and Documentation.

5. Restrictions. You may not rent, lease, loan or resell the Software. You may not permit

third parties to benefit from the use or functionality of the Software via a timesharing,
service bureau or other arrangement, except to the extent that the applicable product
invoicing or packaging permits such use. You may not transfer any of the rights