95 s94 – ties escape prompt delay timer register, 96 s95 – caller-id configuration register, 97 s99 – country codes register – Maxim Integrated 73M2901CE AT Command User Manual
Page 44: S94 – ties escape prompt delay timer register, S95 – caller-id configuration register, S99 – country codes register

73M2901CE AT Command User Guide
S94 – TIES Escape Prompt Delay Timer Register
(Default = 100)
The value in this register sets the duration of delay in units of 10ms. Range is 1 to 254.
S95 – Caller-ID Configuration Register
(Default = 88h)
Bit 0 Dual Tone – Alert Signal expected.
Bit 2:1 Number(0-3) of Line Reversal and/or Ring Pulse – Alert Signals expected before Caller-ID.
Bit 3 CID expected between 1
and 2
Power Rings.
Note: bits 0 through 3 of S95 are ignored if bit 7 = 0.
Bit 4 Enables Caller-ID option. This bit applies only to On-Hook/Offline/Type I Caller-ID.
Bit 5 0 = FSK modulation used for CID.
1 = DTMF type Caller-ID.
Bit 6 Enables using USER 11output to signal DAA to enter CID state during measure_dc_offset in
IDLE mode.
Bit 7 Enables using USER11 output to signal DAA to enter Idle-line signaling state for CID. Bit 7 = 0
sets continuous CID mode where S95 bits 0, 1, 2, and 3 are ignored. Also enables using USER
11 output to signal DAA to enter idle line signaling state for LIU-E detection.
Special modes:
S95 = 0X01 0000B
FSK Continuous Caller ID mode.
S95 = 0X110000B
Send detected DTMF codes to DTE without “CID:” message.
S95 = 10011001B
Detect US Type 1 and Type2 Snoop CID simultaneously. In this mode the modem
may automatically modify S72 register bit 5 to look for Dots (Type1) or marks (Type
2 Snoop).
S99 – Country Codes Register
(Default = 1)
S99 allows the 73M2901CE to be set up for different countries by using a single command. By changing
the configuration of S99, the dial tone, busy tone detection as well as DTMF and pulse timings are
modified. No other commands are needed to program the country requirements of the countries
supported by register S99.
Since the S99 register affects multiple registers, it should be set at the beginning of the AT String (but
after the F command. I.e., ATFS99=1).
0 = CTR 21 (Euro community)
1 = U.S.A. / Canada (Default = 1)
33 = France
34 = Spain
39 = Italy
44 = U.K.
49 = Germany
61 = Australia
81 = Japan