3 extended at commands, 1 @a[p] – modify/read mac ram memory value, 2 @b[p] – modify/read iram memory value – Maxim Integrated 73M2901CE AT Command User Manual
Page 19: L[n] – set lease line operation, 4 @p[n] – alternate pulse dial make/break ratio, Extended at commands, A[p] – modify/read mac ram memory value, B[p] – modify/read iram memory value, P[n] – alternate pulse dial make/break ratio

73M2901CE AT Command User Guide
Rev. 2.0
3 Extended AT Commands
@A[p] – Modify/Read MAC RAM Memory Value
@A[p].[r]? Inquire MAC RAM Memory Value
The @A[p].[r]? command requests the modem to report the current value of a specified location of MAC
RAM. The value reported is in decimal notation.
@A[p].[r]$ Inquire MAC RAM Memory Value
The @A[p].[r]$ command requests the modem to report the current value of a specified location of MAC
RAM. The value reported is in hexadecimal notation.
@A[p].[r]=[n].[n]…[n] Set MAC RAM Memory
@A[p].[r]=[n] Set MAC RAM, n = 0 to 255 (decimal) or $n = 00 to FF (hexadecimal)
The @A[p].[r]=[n] command allows you to set (modify) the value of a specified location of MAC RAM. The
value [n] can be entered in multiple instances separated by a dot in either decimal or hexadecimal
(preceded by $) notation.
@B[p] – Modify/Read IRAM Memory Value
@B[p].[r]? Inquire IRAM Memory Value
The @B[p].[r]? command requests the modem to report the current value of a specified location of IRAM.
The value reported is in decimal notation.
@B[p].[r]$ Inquire IRAM Memory Value
The @B[p].[r]$ command requests the modem to report the current value of a specified location of IRAM.
The value reported is in hexadecimal notation.
@B[p].[r]=[n].[n]…[n] Set IRAM Memory
@B[p].[r]=[n] Set MAC RAM, n = 0 to 255 (decimal) or $n = 00 to FF (hexadecimal)
The @B[p].[r]=[n] command allows you to set (modify) the value of a specified location of IRAM. The value
[n] value [n] can be entered in multiple instances in decimal or hexadecimal (preceded by $) notation.
@L[n] – Set Lease Line Operation
Lease line operation is designated by S89 bit 2
n = 1 sets lease line bit
n = 0 clears lease line bit
@P[n] – Alternate Pulse Dial Make/Break Ratio
The @P[n] command, where n = 0 or 1 sets S22 bit 7 to new value n. The effect of this is to toggle between
two pulse dial make break ratios. n = 0 selects U.S. (39/61). n = 1 selects U.K/Hong Kong (33/67). This
command works only when S32 and S33 are each set to 0.