Icc_disable(), E 83) – Maxim Integrated 73S12xxF Software User Manual
Page 83

73S12xxF Software User Guide
Rev. 1.50
pucIccIFSD: Input/output parameter
Specifies the IFSD value to be used (or being used). [Default value is 32 as
specified by ISO/IEC 7816-3]
pucIccNAD: Input/output parameter
Specifies the NAD value to be used (or being used). [Default value is 00]
pucIccCLA: Input/output parameter
Specifies the CLA value to be used (or being used) when performing a GetResponse in
case 2 / 4 (in T=0 protocol). Setting pucIccCLA to 0xFF indicates that the GetResponse
command will echo the class byte of the APDU command. [Default value is 00]
punIccTSTimeOut: Input/output parameter
Specifies the maximum delay in clock cycles between the de-assertion of the RST
signal and the leading edge of the TS character of the ATR. [Default value is 40 000]
pucIccRxErrorCounterT0: Input/output parameter
Specifies the maximum number of errors allowed when the Interface Device is in
reception mode (in T=0 protocol).
pucIccTxErrorCounterT0: Input/output parameter
Specifies the maximum number of errors allowed when the Interface Device is in
transmission mode (in T=0 protocol).
pucIccTxErrorCounterT1: Input/output parameter
Specifies the maximum number of errors in the T=1 protocol. The most significant
nibble gives the maximum number of R(NA) block transmissions, while the least
significant nibble gives the maximum number of I or S-block retransmissions.
ucIccConfigurationByte: Input/output parameter
This byte contains the following configuration bits:
[b0] bIccIFSDRequestT1: Input/output. Specifies if the next I-Block will be
preceded by an S(IFS request) (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
[b1] bIccDeactivatedOnTimeOutErrorT1: Input/output. Specifies if the Smart Card
interface is to be de-activated (TRUE) on a TimeOut error. Otherwise, an error
recovery procedure is engaged.
[b2] bIccNADErrorCheckingT1: Input/output. Specifies whether the NAD errors
are to be checked (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
[b3] bIccABORTManagementT1: Input/output. Specifies whether the ABORT
Request is to be managed (TRUE) or if the contacts are to be de-activated on
S(ABORT Request) reception (FALSE).
[b4] bIccRESYNCHManagementT1: Input/output. Specifies whether an
S(RESYNCH Request) command is to be sent when too many errors occur
(TRUE) or if a de-activation sequence is to be initiated (FALSE).
[b5] bIccRetransmitLastBlockAfterRESYNCHT1: Input/output. Specifies whether
the last block in T=1 protocol is to be retransmitted after a resynchronization
occurs or the whole command. [Useful for Microsoft IFDTESTs suite]
[b6] bIccWarningStatusBytesManagementT0: Input/output. Specifies if the IFD
must inform the application level of whether the status bytes have been
received just after the command header transmission or after the command
data transmission (in T=0 protocol). [Useful for EMV Test suites]
[b7] bIccDeactivateOnIFSDNegotiationError: Input/output. Specifies if the Smart
Card interface is to be de-activated on an IFSD negotiation error.
Return Codes
AR_ICC_OK Successful operation.
Deactivate the Smart Card interface, slot number is specified by eIccId.
AR_ICC_RC ICC_Disable ( IN enum ICC_ID eIccId );