Maxim Integrated 73S12xxF Software User Manual

Page 81

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73S12xxF Software User Guide

Rev. 1.50


punIccTSTimeOut: Input/output parameter
Specifies the maximum delay in clock cycles between the de-assertion of the RST
signal and the leading edge of the TS character of the ATR. [Default value is 40 000]

pucIccRxErrorCounterT0: Input/output parameter
Specifies the maximum number of errors allowed when the Interface Device is in
reception mode in T=0 protocol.

pucIccTxErrorCounterT0: Input/output parameter
Specifies the maximum number of errors when the Interface Device is in
transmission mode in T=0 protocol.

pucIccTxErrorCounterT1: Input/output parameter
Specifies the maximum number of errors when T=1. The most significant nibble
gives the maximum number of R(NA) block transmissions, while the least significant
nibble gives the maximum number of I or S-block retransmissions.

ucIccConfigurationByte: Input/output parameter
This byte contains the following configuration bits:
[b0] bIccIFSDRequestT1: Input/output. Specifies if the next I-Block will be

preceded by an S(IFS request) (TRUE) or not (FALSE).

[b1] bIccDeactivatedOnTimeOutErrorT1: Input/output. Specifies if the Smart Card

interface is to be de-activated (TRUE) on a TimeOut error. Otherwise, an error
recovery procedure is engaged.

[b2] bIccNADErrorCheckingT1: Input/output. Specifies whether the NAD errors

are to be checked (TRUE) or not (FALSE).

[b3] bIccABORTManagementT1: Input/output. Specifies whether the ABORT

Request is to be managed (TRUE) or if the contacts are to be de-activated on
S(ABORT Request) reception (FALSE).

[b4] bIccRESYNCHManagementT1: Input/output. Specifies whether an

S(RESYNCH Request) command is to be sent when too many errors occur
(TRUE) or if a de-activation sequence is to be initiated (FALSE).

[b5] bIccRetransmitLastBlockAfterRESYNCHT1: Input/output. Specifies whether

the last block in T=1 protocol is to be retransmitted after a resynchronization
occurs or the whole command. [Useful for Microsoft IFDTESTs suite]

[b6] bIccWarningStatusBytesManagementT0: Input/output. Specifies if the IFD

must inform the application level of whether the status bytes have been
received just after the command header transmission or after the command
data transmission (in T=0 protocol). [Useful for EMV Test suites]

[b7] bIccDeactivateOnIFSDNegotiationError: Input/output. Specifies if the Smart

Card interface is to be de-activated on an IFSD negotiation error.

Icc_Hz: Input parameter
Specifies the desired Smart Card clock frequency. Available values are defined in
the API_Struct_12.h file (LAPI). The default value for both the internal and external
slots is 3.69 MHz.

Care must be taken to make sure the Smart Card Clock is slower than the CPU clock. Since the
CPU has much more overhead to process, a faster Smart Card clock may out run the CPU
resulting in unexpected or undesirable delays.

Since the Smart Card Clock for the external slots (slot ICC_2


or higher) is driven by the 73S12xxF

single source, all external slots will share the same SC clock configuration. For example, if an application
sets the first external slot to one rate, subsequent calls to this function with a different rate will be ignored.

DebouncePUEnable: Input parameter
The higher order (most significant) nibble of this byte enables (SC_DEBOUNCEON)
or disables (SC_DEBOUNCEOFF) card debounce. The low order (least significant)
nibble of this byte enables (TRUE) or disables (FALSE) the Pull-Up.