Juniper Systems TK6000 Cell Modem User Manual

Page 3

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Cell Modem Expansion Pack

When you contact the service agent of the cellular

carrier, inform them that you have a cellular data

modem and need to set up data service for this device.

Your company may already have a business account

with a cell carrier. If so, you can add the account you

need for this device to your business account.
You will need to provide the following information

when setting up an account:


Billing Information and business ID such as your

Federal Tax I.D. or VAT number.


The wireless services required. You will need to

specify that you need data only service. You do not

need voice or messaging service.


You may be asked for the modem’s 15-character

IMEI number, which can be found using the

CellModemSetup utility when the pack is installed

on the handheld.