See it as an eyewitness, Technology made simple, Rich sound experience – Philips 43PP7445 User Manual

Page 3: Product highlights, Progressive scan, Hdtv monitor, Saphlon™ screen, Active control, Apac

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Product Highlights

See it as an eyewitness

♦ Progressive Scan - double the visible picture lines for better resolution
♦ 100Hz Digital Scan eliminates flicker and line jitter for stable picture
♦ HDTV Monitor - HDTV is the latest and best television signal available

♦ Saphlon™ Screen - better picture and scratch resistance

Technology made simple

♦ Active Control measures signal to produce best picture
♦ APAC - Automatic Phosphor Aging Compensation

Rich sound experience

♦ Virtual Dolby®* Surround - surround sound without additional rear speakers

Product highlights

100Hz Digital Scan

Conventional TV creates a picture by scanning 50 times per second (50Hz). This frequency can be detected by the human eye in the
form of a field flickering picture. 100Hz sets scan 100 times per second, eliminating the field flickering.

Progressive Scan

A picture frame consists of two fields: the field with the odd lines (field A) and the field with the even lines (field B). Instead of sending
field A to the screen first, followed by field B, the fields A and B are written at one time. In one second, a full image is created using the

maximum resolution. At this speed, the human eye perceives a sharper picture with no line structure.

HDTV Monitor

HDTV Display Capability (1080i). HDTV monitors enable you to view high-definition or enhanced-definition TV programming in

the 1080i or480p signal format. In orderto do so, the TV must be connected via its component video or RGB inputs to a set-top

box, which is set to operate in the DTV mode. A DTV signal must be present in your area and the set-top box must be tuned to

the proper channel. An external over-the-air antenna may be required. Another option is HDTV broadcast satellite service. Stunning

realism in both picture and sound are delivered!

Saphlon™ Screen

Saphlon™ Screen technology is built with materials and processes that deliver more brightness and picture contrast. It guards against
most scratches and fingerprints and eliminates the glare associated with a separate protective screen.

Auto IntelliSense™ Focus

Sensors in the TV scan a predefined test pattern and readjust the signal on the CRTs to assure that red, green and blue are well

Active Control

With over 3,000 picture adjustments per minute, this ‘proactive control system' continuously analyzes incoming video signal qualities
for Dynamic Noise Reduction and sharpness and then automatically corrects them to be like the settings you previously selected in the

picture menu.


ABAC is designed to minimize the effects of image retention from stationary images on the screen. Because both analog sources (cable
TV and DVD) and digital sources (HD and progressive scan DVD) have different aspect ratios (4:3, 16:9, 21:9, etc.), the picture on a

digital television may have black bars on the sides or top and bottom. When black bars are detected in either the 4:3 or 16:9 viewing
mode, APAC automatically shifts the television picture pixel-by-pixel, just enough to soften image retention. APAC works in both the
analog and digital modes, so it provides excellent protection.

Active Control and APAC, are trademarks of Philips Consumer electronics North America. IntelliSense is a registered trademark of Philips

Consumer electronics North America. Copyright 2002 Philips Consumer electronics.

*Manufactured under license from Dolby haboratories. “Dolby" and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby haboratories.

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2005-01-20 10:09:42 AM

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