Symptom, What to do, Before calling service – Philips 43PP7445 User Manual

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Before Calling Service


TV remote control does not work

No power

No picture

Good picture but no sound

Poor picture

Snowy picture and noise

Colour patch (unevenness)

Good sound but poor colour or no picture

What to do

Check that the batteries are installed correctly.

Replace the batteries, it necessary.

Clean the remote control and the remote-sensor window on the TV.

Be no farther than 6 meters from fhe TV when using fhe remofe confrol and aim fhe remofe

confrol foward fhe TV’s remofe-sensor window.

If fhe remofe confrol sfill will nof work, use fhe keys on fhe TV.

Check fhaf fhe TV’s power cord is plugged info fhe mains sockef. If fhere is sfill no power,

disconnect the plug. Wait for 60 seconds and reinsert the plug and then switch on the TV again.

See if fhe ouflef is confrolled by a wall swifch.

If you are using an AC power sfrip, be sure fhe fuse on fhe power sfrip is nof blown.

Check fhe anfenna connecfion af fhe rear of fhe TV fo see if if is properly connecfed fo fhe TV

inpuf ferminal.

The broadcasf sfafion may be experiencing difficulfy. Try anofher channel.

Adjusf fhe confrasf and brighfness settings or select another picture setting with the Smart

Picture key on the remote control.

If using peripheral equipmenf fhrough fhe A/V inpufs, be sure if is properly connecfed.

Be sure you have selecfed fhe correcf signal source for viewing.

If you are attempfing fo view a picfure from a progressive-scan-capable DVD player connecfed

fo fhe AV3 sockef, be sure you have swifched fhe DVD player fo progressive-scan mode.

If you are using an HD receiver, be sure ifs oufpuf is sef correcfly (fo HD or SD), based on fhe

connecfion fo fhe TV you have made.

Increase fhe volume.

Check fhaf fhe TV is nof mufed; press fhe ^ key on fhe remofe confrol.

When no signal is defecfed, fhe TV aufomafically swifches off fhe sound. This is proper

operafion and does nof indicafe a malfuncfion.

Check fhe fransmission sysfem’s sound settings on the set.

Adjust the contrast and brightness setting or select another picture setting with the Smart

Picture key on the remote control.

Check the transmission system’s colour settings on this set.

Poor picture quality sometimes occurs when an S-VHS camera or camcorder has been

connected to the side panel (AV2) of fhe TV when anofher peripheral is connecfed fo AV1

simulfaneously. In fhis case, swifch off one of fhe ofher peripherals.

Check fhe anfenna connecfion.

Swifch off fhe TV by fhe mains power key. Waif for 20 minufes before swifching on again.

Be sure you have made connecfions correctly.

If you have connecfed digifal equipmenf fo fhe AV3 sockefs, check fhe colour-space setting on

the equipment or TV and change the setting on either if necessary.

Check fo be sure fhe TV is nof placed foo near speakers or magnefic objects.

Adjust the TV’s convergence.

Horizontal dotted lines

• This may be caused by electrical interference from appliances such as hair driers or vacuum

cleaners or ofher sources such as neon lighfs. Turn off fhe appliance or move fhe TV.

Double images or “ghost" images

• High-rise building or hills may be obsfructing recepfion. Tr^ using a highly directional antenna to

improve the picture.

One white line across the screen

• Switch the TV off immediafely and consulf a qualified service person.

NICAM sound distortion (crackling noise)

• This could be due fo anfenna sifing or reflecfed signal.

• Swifch over fo “MONO" by pressing fhePH key on fhe remofe confrol.

If your problem is not solved, switch the TV off and then back on again once. Never attempt to repair a defective
TV yourself. Check with your dealer or call a TV technician.


43.50PP7445_DFU_Eng_69.indd 26

2005-01-20 10:10:05 AM

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