Great Planes Patriot XL Kit - GPMA0450 User Manual

Page 39

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1. Use scissors or a sharp hobby knife to cut the decals from
the sheet.

2. Be certain the model is clean and free from oily
fingerprints and dust. Prepare a dishpan or small bucket
with a mixture of liquid dish soap and warm water-about one
teaspoon of soap per gallon of water. Submerse the decal in
the soap and water and peel off the paper backing. Note:
Even though the decals have a “sticky-back” and are not the
water transfer type, submersing them in soap & water allows
accurate positioning and reduces air bubbles underneath.

3. Position the decal on the model where desired. Holding the
decal down, use a paper towel to wipe most of the water away.

4. Use a piece of soft balsa or something similar to
squeegee remaining water from under the decal. Apply the
rest of the decals the same way.

1. Install the pilot’s instrument panel (optional) as shown

on the plan. If desired, install the pilot (optional, not included)
and instrument gauge decal at this time.

2. Trim the canopy on the cut lines and place the canopy

on the fuselage in the location shown on the plan.
Temporarily hold it in position with tape or rubber bands.

3. Use a felt-tip pen to accurately trace the canopy outline

onto the MonoKote film covering. Remove the canopy.

4. Use a sharp #11 blade to

carefully cut the covering

about 1/32" [1mm] inside of the line you marked without
cutting into the balsa
. Cut the covering 1/16" [1.6mm]
inside of the seam you just made, again without cutting into
the balsa. Carefully remove the 1/16" [1.6mm] wide strip of
covering. Wipe away the ink line with a paper towel lightly
dampened with alcohol.

5. Before you permanently glue the canopy to the fuselage,

securely glue the pilot in place.

6. Reposition the canopy on the fuselage and confirm that

it covers the exposed wood. Glue the canopy to the fuselage,
using rubber bands or masking tape to hold it in position until
the glue dries. We recommend an adhesive specifically
formulated for gluing on canopies such as Pacer “Formula
560” canopy glue. Formula 560 is like regular white glue
(aliphatic resin) in that it dries clear and cleans up with water,
but it sticks extremely well to butyrate and dries overnight (to
allow for accurate positioning).

1. Start with the elevators and stab. Cut the covering from

the hinge slots–don’t just slit the covering but remove a
small strip the size of the hinge slot.

2. Drill a 3/32" [2.4mm] hole 1/2" [13mm] deep in the

center of each hinge slot. A high speed Dremel


Tool works

best for this. If you use a regular drill, clean out the hinge
slots with a #11 blade. If you used a Slot Machine to cut the
hinge slots, this step is not needed.

3. Without using any glue, fit the hinges in the elevators or

stab. Insert a small pin in the center of the hinges to keep
them centered. Do not glue the hinges yet. Do not use
accelerator on any of the hinges. Do not glue the hinges with
anything but thin CA and do not attempt to glue one half of
the hinge at a time with medium or thick CA. They will not be
properly secured and the controls could separate while the
model is in flight.

Attach the Control Surfaces

Install the Canopy

Apply the Decals