Build the turtle deck – Great Planes Patriot XL Kit - GPMA0450 User Manual
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need to be positioned to clear the wheel well. Mark the axle
and strut and cut off 1/8" [3mm] after the mark. Make flat
spots on the axle and strut where the set screws tighten.
5. Locate two plastic 3/16" x 36" [5 x 914mm] pushrod
tubes. Sand the tubes with coarse sandpaper to allow the
CA to adhere.
6. Guide the pushrods through the firewall and the tail as
shown on the plan.The throttle pushrod tube will stop at F5, just
before the throttle servo. The nosewheel steering pushrod tube
will stop at F6. Cut off the excess tubes. If installing retracts, the
nosewheel steering pushrod will begin between F1 and F2.
7. Glue each section that passes through a former with
medium CA.
8. Insert the leftover tubes through the slots in the rear of the
fuse and into the hole in F7. The tube should extend past F7
by approximately 1/8" [3mm]. Glue the tubes in place at F7.
9. Mix a batch of 30-minute epoxy with microballoons or
talcum powder to create a thick, strong, easy-to-sand filler.
Epoxy the tubes into the slots. Completely fill the slots with
the mixture.
10. After the epoxy has cured, use a bar sander and 150-
grit sandpaper to sand the outer pushrod tubes and epoxy
filler flush with the fuselage sides.
11. Locate the nine die-cut 1/8" [3mm] plywood braces.
Glue these in place with medium CA wherever there is a
joint on the fuse frame. Shown in the photo are the joints
where the fuselage joiners join FFS and AFS. Brace similar
joints throughout the model.
1. Locate the four die-cut 1/8" [3mm] plywood turtle deck
formers (T1-T4).
2. Use the gauge you used to shape the corners of the
fuselage to fit T1 as shown and glue in place using thin CA.
Build the Turtle Deck