Mount engine and install servos – Great Planes F-15 Eagle 40 Kit - GPMA0438 User Manual
Page 19

D 42. Temporarily install the die-cut 1/8" ply
cockpit bottom (F154F16) to hold the fuselage
sides in position. Cut six 1-3/4" long pieces of
turbine forward top sheeting from the 3/32" x 3" x
12" balsa sheet (F154F26). Starting at the front of
the turbine, glue three pieces along the top edge of
each turbine side. Sand them slightly to make
them fit nicely up against the fuselage side. Make
sure the sheeting is installed so it is level (parallel
with the fuse bottom). Sand the edges of the
sheeting flush with the turbine side and the turbine
inlet sheeting. The aft end of the sheeting must be
even with the aft edge of former F-3. Remove the
cockpit bottom.
D 2. Now you may use one of the following
methods to attach your engine to the mount:
Method 1: Screw the #6 x 3/4" sheet metal
screws (SCRW018) through the engine mounting
flange and into the mount. When
first installing these screws, put a
drop of oil into each screw hole.
Method 2: Cut and tap threads into the holes
you just drilled using a 6-32 tap and tap wrench. If
you use this method, you will have to supply your
own 6-32 x 1" socket head cap screws for
attaching the engine to the mount.
D 1. Screw the mount onto the firewall using the
6-32 x 1" cap screws, but leave the screws loose
for now. Place the engine on the mount and
squeeze the mount halves together until they are
within 1/32" of the engine crankcase. Make sure
the mount is centered on the embossed center
lines and tighten the engine mount screws.
Position the engine on the mount so the distance
from the front of the firewall to the face of the thrust
washer is 4-5/16". Mark the engine mounting hole
locations on the mount. Remove the engine and
accurately drill 7/16" (or #36) holes. NOTE: If you
have access to a drill press, use it for drilling these
holes to ensure that they are drilled vertically.
D 3. Install the rudder, elevator and throttle
servos using the screws that came with the servos.
Cut all but one arm off of the throttle and elevator
servo horns and use a long two arm horn for the
rudder servo.