Great Planes F-15 Eagle 40 Kit - GPMA0438 User Manual

Page 15

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fuse bottom. The firewall should be positioned
against the fuse doublers to properly set the
engine down thrust. Apply thin CA along the fuse
side/forward fuse bottom joint.

D 22. Pull the fuse sides up tight against the top
portion of former F3 and securely glue them in
place. Strapping tape can be used to hold the fuse
sides in place while the glue cures. Add glue to all

the front fuse joints to securely glue everything

D 20. Slide the 1/2" x 30" balsa triangle stock
(WSTR014) through one of the triangular holes at
the bottom of the firewall until it touches former F2.
Cut the 1/2" triangle off flush with the front of the
firewall. Press the triangle into the corner formed
by the fuse side and the fuse bottom and apply

thin CA along the edges of the triangle. Install

another piece of 1/2" balsa triangle on the other
side of the fuselage. Sand the fuse sides, fuse
bottom and the triangle flush with the front of the

D 21. Cut three 1-7/8" long pieces of 1/4" balsa
triangle from the 1/4" x 30" balsa triangle stock
(WSTR015) . Glue one of the pieces into the

corner formed by the firewall and the fuse bottom.
Glue the other two pieces into the corners formed

by the firewall and the fuse sides. Note: you may
need to trim the triangle to get it to fit.

D 23. Trial fit the die-cut 3/32" balsa forward

turbine side (F154F06), the aft turbine side

(F154F07) and the turbine side top(F154F08)

together on a flat surface covered with waxed
paper. Sand them if necessary to get them to fit
together nicely. Use a straight edge along the
bottom edges to keep them aligned and glue them
together with thin CA. Note: Do not lose the
die-cut gussets that are in F154F06.

D 24. Glue the die-cut 3/32" balsa forward

turbine top (F154F12) in place. Assemble the
other turbine side.