Groove and shift graphs – FXpansion GURU User Manual
Page 59

Groove and Shift Graphs
GURU has a very useful feature which creates timing Grooves
from Shift Graphs
. This is a great way of synchronizing differ-
ent Engines to the same feel.
[CTRL]-click on a Pattern key to bring up the Pattern context
, which includes the ‘Create Groove from Shifts…’ item.
When you click this menu item, you will be prompted for a
name for the Groove. After you’ve entered a name and clicked
OK, the new Groove will become available in the Groove se-
lector. These Grooves are always saved for future use.
When creating a Groove from a Shift Graph, GURU will take
an intelligent average of all the Shift Graphs in the various Pad
lanes in the Pattern.
The ‘Create Groove from Shifts…’ function offers many pos-
sibilities, as Shift Graphs are used elsewhere within GURU for
timing-oriented functions. Firstly, they are created in Record
mode (when the ‘Quantize Record’ option is disabled) in order
to preserve the timing of your realtime input. They are also
used in the Browser’s Score function, when recreating the tim-
ing of a loop in the imported Pattern. Using these Shift-based
functions with ‘Create Groove from Shifts’ allows you to create
a limitless library of Grooves, ready for use in your current
GURU session, or at any future time!
See section 5:2 for more de-
tails on the Pattern context
See section 6:2 for more de-
tails on the Shift Graph.