Waveform display, Waveform display 28 – FXpansion GURU User Manual
Page 29

Waveform display
• At the top of the waveform display, there are markers for the
start and end of the sound – by clicking and dragging these
points, the start/end can be freely adjusted. This is very useful
for fine-tuning slice points. It can also be used to manually find
alternative segments of a loop which have been discarded by
GURU’s SmartSlice process.
• The start/end markers can be moved at the same time by
clicking and dragging the end marker while holding down the
[SHIFT] key.
• GURU’s waveform display is capable of zooming in and out
horizontally: simply click the display and drag down/up. Alter-
natively, use the zoom buttons. You can also use the Quick
zoom button in order to instantly zoom into the area between
the start and end markers. Clicking the Quick zoom button
again zooms out to view the whole sample.
• When zoomed in sufficiently, zero crossings are conveniently
displayed as white lines, and any adjustments to the start/end
markers will ‘snap’ to them.
• You can scroll left and right through the waveform by clicking
and dragging it left and right, or use the scrollbar.
The zero-crossing functionality
can be disabled by turning off
the ‘Show/snap to zero cross-
ings in Pad Edit waveform
display’ option in the Guru Op-
tions panel.
Start & end markers
Zoom buttons
Quick zoom