EVCO EC3463 User Manual
Page 2

EC 3-463E 3/95
For a proper mounting, take note of the attached indications; be sure that the conditions of use (voltage of power-
supply, environment temperature, humidity) are inside the instrument working limits.
Voltage at terminal 12 is not stabilized. If the transducer is powered by the instrument, it should be verified that in all
working conditions, especially for high humidity values, the voltage on the transducer does not drop below the
minimum working value, in order to guarantee a correct measure.
WARNING : according to the source of power-supply, find a protection able to limit the quantity of current
absorbed by the instrument in case the failure.
and keep it pushed for 4 sec. at least :
"PA" will appear on the display
and push it straight after:
the first modifiable parameter will appear on the screen
Release and push
until the requested parameter appears
Keep pushed
for 4 sec. at least :
the parameter value will appear on the screen
Keep pushed again
for 4 sec. at least :
the displayed value start increasing at the speed of 1 digit for 1/2 sec.
at the reaching of the requested value.
WARNING: The parameter value gets increased at the speed of 1 digit for 1/2 sec., until the upper end of scale reaching,
afterwards the instrument returns to the lower end of scale, and from here it keeps increasing.
To exit the configuration
again after the selection of the last available parameter, or wait 50 seconds, or switch the power supply off,
and then, switch it on.
"E0" flashing on the display means one of the following defects: probe-signal outside the limits, defective probe or
wrong connection (in case of not connected probe, the indication "EO" will appear if the parameter is /0=30 (4-20
mA) and "0" if the parameter is /0=31 (4-20 mA)).
"E2" flashing on the display: failure of memorised configuration-data; try to switch the power-supply off, and then, switch
it on.