6 external interrupts, 7 user leds, 8 user push buttons – Digilent 410-273P-KIT User Manual
Page 12: 9 a/d converter reference, 10 potentiometer, 11 rtcc, 12 reset

WF32 Reference Manual
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10.6 External Interrupts
Pin 3 (INT0), Pin 2 (INT1), Pin 7 (INT2), Pin 8 (INT3), Pin 57 (INT4). Note that the pin numbers for INT0 and INT4 are
different than on some other chipKIT boards. INT4 is dedicated for use with the MRF24WG0MA WiFi module and is
not brought out to a connector pin.
10.7 User LEDs
Pin 13 (LD6), Pin 43 (LD5), Pin 47 (LD4), Pin 48 (LD3). Pin 13 is shared between a connector pin and the LED. Pin 43,
48, and 47 only goes to the LED and not to any connector pin. Driving the pin HIGH turns the LED on, driving it LOW
turns it off.
10.8 User Push Buttons
There are two push button switches labeled BTN2 (pin 65), and BTN3 (pin 66). The digitalRead() function will return
LOW if the button is not pressed and HIGH when the button is pressed.
10.9 A/D Converter Reference
Labeled A, the left-most outer pin on connector J5. This is used to provide an external voltage reference to
determine the input voltage range of the analog pins. The maximum voltage that can be applied to this pin is 3.3V.
This pin can also be used as digital pin 42.
10.10 Potentiometer
A potentiometer (pot) is provided on the board to be used as an analog signal source or analog control input. The
pot is a 10Kohm trimmer pot connected between the VCC3V3 supply and ground. The wiper of the pot is
connected to analog input A13. The pot is read using the analogRead() function.
10.11 RTCC
Real Time Clock Calendar. The PIC32 microcontroller contains an RTCC circuit that can be used to maintain time
and date information. The operation of the RTCC requires a 32.768Khz frequency source. Crystal X2 (not loaded),
just above and to the right of the PIC32 microcontroller IC, is provided for you to solder a 32Khz watch crystal. The
Citizen CFS206-32.768KDZF-UB crystal can be used in this location.
10.12 RESET
The PIC32 microcontroller is reset by bringing its MCLR pin low. The MCLR pin is connected to the P32_RST net on
the circuit board.
As described earlier, reset of the PIC32 microcontroller can be initiated by the USB serial converter. The USB serial
converter brings the DTR pin low to reset the microcontroller. Jumper JP1 can be used to enable/disable the ability
for the USB serial converter to initiate a reset.
The P32_RST net is connected to pin 3 of connector J3. This allows circuitry on a shield to reset the
microcontroller, or to ensure that the circuitry on the shield is reset at the same time as the microcontroller.
Connector J10 provides access to the SPI bus. Pin 5 provides access to the SPI Slave Select signal (SS).