3 spi, 4 ,-.c, 5 pwm – Digilent 410-273P-KIT User Manual

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WF32 Reference Manual

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10.3 SPI

Synchronous serial port. Pin 10 (SS), Pin 11 (MOSI), Pin 12 (MISO), Pin 13 (SCK).This can be accessed using the SPI
standard library. It can also be accessed using the DSPI0 object from the DSPI standard library. This uses SPI2 (SS2,
SDI2, SDO2, SCK2) on the PIC32 microcontroller. These signals also appear on connector J10.

Jumpers JP6 and JP7 are used to select whether the WF32 operates as a Master (transmit on MOSI, receive on
MISO) or a Slave (transmit on MISO, receive on MOSI) device. The shorting blocks on JP6 and JP7 are normally
placed in the Master position for the WF32 to function as an SPI master.

Jumper JP3 is used to select PWM output or the SPI SS function on Pin 10. The shorting block on JP3 should be in
the PWM position to select PWM output. It should be in the SS position to select the SPI SS function. JP4 will
normally be in the PWM position. In general, the only time it needs to be in the SS position is when the WF32
board is being used as an SPI slave device.

SPI1: Synchronous serial port. This is an additional SPI interface on the PIC32 microcontroller that can be assessed
using the DSPI1 object from the DSPI standard library. It is not accessible using the SPI standard library. Several of
the SPI1 signals are shared in various ways with other peripheral functions. SS1 is connected to connector J9, pin
15, the connector location for digital pin 7, via a 1K ohm resistor. This signal is accessed via digital pin number 71.
SDO1 is accessed via digital pin 3. This conflicts with one of the PWM outputs accessed using analogWrite(). SDI1 is
accessed via digital pin 38. SCK1 is connected to connector J7, pin 1, the connector location for digital pin 8, via a
1K ohm resistor. This conflicts with external interrupt INT3. This signal can be accessed via digital pin number 72.

SPI3: Synchronous serial port. This is an additional SPI interface on the PIC32 microcontroller that can be accessed
using the DSPI2 object from the DSPI standard library. It is not accessible using the SPI standard library. Pin 39
(SS3), pin 1 (SDO3), pin 0 (SDI1), and pin 40 (SCK3). Note that pins 0 and 1 conflict with UART1: object class Serial.
Pins 39 and 40 conflict with UART4: Serial1 object class.

SPI4: Synchronous serial port. This port is dedicated for access to the MR24WG0MA WiFi module and is normally
only used by the networking libraries. This can be accessed using the DSPI3 object class from the DSPI standard
library, but this is not recommended for normal operation of the board.





Synchronous serial interface. The PIC32 microcontroller shares analog pins A4 and A5 with the two I


C signals SDA

and SCL. Jumpers JP4 and JP5 are used to select whether the analog pin functions or the I


C pin functions are being

used. The shorting blocks are placed in the AN position to select the analog input function or general digital I/O.
They are placed in the I2C position to use the pins for I


C operation. This uses I2C2 (SDA2, SCL2) on the PIC32

microcontroller. Both SDA2 and SCL2 are accessible on connector J6.

Note: The I


C bus uses open collector drivers to allow multiple devices to drive the bus signals. This means that

pull-up resistors must be provided to supply the logic high state for the signals. These pull-up resistors are labeled
R18 and R19 on the WF32 board, but they require that chipKIT pin numbers 62 and 63 are driven to a logic high
(‘1’) level.

10.5 PWM

Pulse width modulated output; Pins 3 (OC1), 5 (OC2), 6 (OC3), 9 (OC4), and 10 (OC5). These can be accessed using
the analogWrite() runtime function.