Comtrol Modbus TCP User Guide User Manual
Page 63

DeviceMaster UP Modbus/TCP User Guide: 2000447 Rev. I
Chapter 4. Diagnostic and Statistics Pages - 63
Communication Statistics
To PLC Dropped Packet
Displays the number of received serial packets intended for the PLC dropped:
No STX byte(s) found
No ETX byte(s) found
Packet to large
Receive buffer queue overflows
To PLC Truncated
Packet Count
Displays the number of received packets that were truncated before being sent to
the PLC.
Tx Unexpected Seq
Displays the number of Unexpected Transmit Sequence Number errors. The
DeviceMaster UP increments this number when the DeviceMaster UP receives a
transmit message with a sequence number that is not equal to either the previous
transmit sequence number or the previous transmit sequence number plus one. (If
the Disable Tx Sequence Number Check option is not selected, the DeviceMaster UP
expects this sequence number to be incremented by one with each new transmit
Invalid Modbus
Displays the number of invalid Modbus To-Master messages or Modbus To-Slaves
responses that were received on this port.
Device Timeouts
The number of Command/Response or Modbus To-Slaves messages that timed out
waiting for a response.
Cmd/Resp Mode
Response Discards
Displays the number of raw-data Command/Response mode responses that were
discarded as a result of either:
The connection to the controller was closed.
The response timed out after the Age Time had been reached.
Filtering Statistics (Serial)
Valid Data Items Sent To
PLC Interface
Displays the number of valid string, RFID, or barcode data sent to the PLC.
Applies when filtering is enabled.
Valid Data Items Filtered
From PLC
Displays the number of valid string, RFID, or barcode data filtered from (not
sent) to the PLC. Applies when filtering is enabled.
Invalid Data Items
Discarded From PLC
Displays the number of invalid RFID or barcode data not sent to the PLC.
Applies when RFID or barcode filtering is enabled.
Valid Data Items Sent To
App Interface
Displays the number of valid string, RFID, or barcode data sent to the
application. Applies when filtering is enabled.
Valid Data Items Filtered
From App
Displays the number of valid string, RFID, or barcode data filtered from (not
sent) to the application. Applies when filtering is enabled.
Invalid Data Items
Discarded From Application
Displays the number of invalid RFID or barcode data not sent to the PLC.
Applies when RFID or barcode filtering is enabled.
Serial Device Interfaces Statistics (Top)