What is modbus/tcp, Raw data interface, Supported modbus messages – Comtrol Modbus TCP User Guide User Manual
Page 19
DeviceMaster UP Modbus/TCP User Guide: 2000447 Rev. I
Chapter 2. Programming Interface - 19
What is Modbus/TCP?
2.1.4. What is Modbus/TCP?
Modbus/TCP is an Ethernet network based protocol that contains a Modbus/RTU message, with the exception
of the 2 byte CRC. The Modbus/TCP message contains a header with information designed to provide message
identification and routing information. The format is as follows:
The terms Master or Client are used to identify the sender of the message.
The terms Slave or Server are used to identify the devices responding to the message.
Modbus TCP messages are typically sent to and received on a defined Ethernet TCP/IP socket of 502.
Modbus TCP implementations provide more capability, but also require more processing than simpler
Modbus/RTU implementations.
Modbus TCP is used for connecting advanced Ethernet based devices, such as PLCs, HMIs, SCADA Systems,
and most OPC Servers to:
Other Ethernet devices supporting Modbus TCP.
Serial Modbus/RTU and/or Modbus/ASCII devices through gateways (such as the DeviceMaster UP
running the Modbus/TCP or Modbus Router applications).
Serial or Ethernet TCP/IP raw/ASCII devices (barcode scanners, printers, RFID readers, visions systems,
etc) through a gateway (such as the DeviceMaster UP running the Modbus/TCP application).
2.2. Raw Data Interface
This subsection contains the following topics:
Serial Port Raw/ASCII Interface
Ethernet Device Raw/ASCII Interface
Receive Data Message (Raw Data)
Transmit Data Message (Raw Data)
Sequence Number Messages (Raw Data)
2.2.1. Supported Modbus Messages
DeviceMaster UP supports the following Modbus messages over Modbus/TCP for raw data transfer.
Note: Your PLC programming software may not allow maximum size serial packets.
Message Type
Function Code
Maximum Message Size
Maximum Serial Packet Size
Read Holding Registers 3
250 BYTEs (125 WORDs)
246 BYTEs (123 WORDs)
Write Multiple Registers 16 (10 hex)
240 BYTEs (120 WORDs)
236 BYTEs (118 WORDs)
Read/Write Multiple
23 (17 hex)
236 BYTEs (118 WORDs)
232 BYTEs (116 WORDs)