Toshiba TEC MA-1060-100 Series User Manual

Page 21

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If the "TotaX Validation Compulsory" option has been selected, the

Total Validation operation will always be required before finalizing

any sale. ~

The F


T/T^LI key is also used to finalize received-on-account payments

or paid-out amounts.

The IAT/TLI key can be programmed with the HALC {High Amount Listing

Capacity) of the amount tendered. If the HALC has been set, the

amount tendered must not exceed the programmed value; otherwise, it

will result in an error. If the 1LC OPEN j key is used prior to the

IAT/TLI depression, the HALC will be extended by one additional digit.

If an amount still larger must be entered, the MA or MGR key is

required to turn the Mode Lock to the MGR position.


This key is used to obtain the sub-total amount during a sale. When

this key is depressed after all the items have been rung up, the sub­

total of the seale is printed and displayed.

If the I ST I key is depressed more than once consecutively, the first

depression only will print and display the sub-total

3 further

depressions will only display but not print the sub-total amount.

The system option provides the selection not to print but only display

the sub-total even on the first depression of the 1 ST| key.

Mandatory depression of this key prior to finalizing is a programmable


In charge posting, a depression of the I ST


key displays the sub-total

amount without previous balance.


When a charge posting operation is ended with the 1 Chg] key, this

key is used to transfer the entire balance with no payment.

To operate, depress the


TRF I key after the l~Chg I key. All the

balance is transferred, the transferred amount is printed as the new

balance, and a receipt is issued. When the amount is less than 7

digits, the figures are printed in double-sized characters.




This key is used to display the contents of the main itemizer (i.e.,

sale total) plus any taxes due. The amount will display only but

not be printed.

In order to allow add-on operation following the use of this key,

the taxes are not added into any totals until acutal finalization

is initiated.

Mandatory depression of this key prior to finalizing is a programmable


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This manual is related to the following products: