CLIFFORD AvantGuard 5.1 User Manual
Page 32

© 2 0 0 6 d i re c t e d e l e c t ro n i c s — a l l r i g h t s re s e r v e d
user selectable features descriptions - column three
The features in this column pertain to programming individual trans-
mitter channels in custom configurations. Following is an explanation
of the features.
arm/disarm only
The remote control channel programmed into this feature will arm/dis-
arm the system only.
accessory a output
The transmitter channel programmed into this feature will activate the
accessory output.
accessory b output
The transmitter channel programmed into this feature will activate the
accessory output.
silent mode
The transmitter channel programmed into this feature will arm/disarm
the system, but the siren will not chirp.
remote valet
The transmitter channel programmed into this feature will make the
system enter/exit valet mode.
nnoottee:: When programming a new remote control to custom configura-
tion a channel must first be programmed to this feature before pro-
gramming the remaining channels.