Carl Goldberg GBGA1092 User Manual

Page 8

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Pull the servo leads down through the wing

and exit through the hole on the bottom sur-

face of the wing.




Collect the following items

(4) Silicone clevis keepers

(4) nylon control horns

(4) nylon control horn nut plates

(4) 2-56 clevis

(4) 2-56 pushrods

(8) #2 screws

(4) Nylon swing in keepers

(4) 4-40 x 5-1/2” pushrods threaded both ends

IMPORTANT! To ensure that any connections located

inside the wing will not come loose, either when the

wires are pulled, or during flying, always tape them

securely together with electrical tape.


Repeat these steps for the other half of the

wing, so that both servo extensions are exit-

ing the holes in the center of the wing.


Mount the aileron and flap servos using the

hardware supplied with the radio. The output

arm should go toward the trailing edge.

right wing

left wing

In order for the flaps and ailerons to work

properly the output arms for the servos must

be aligned as shown. On the left wing the

aileron servos output arm is on the inboard

side of the wing. The flap servo output arm

is on the outboard side of the wing.

On the right wing the aileron servo output

arm is on the inboard side of the wing and

the flap servo output arm is on the inboard

side of the wing also.