Feeder, Jaw crusher pulverisette 1 premium line, Accessories – FRITSCH PULVERISETTE 13 premium line User Manual
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7.2 Dosed sample feeding with the LABORETTE 24 vibratory feeder
To ensure a steady dosed feeding in of the sample material, you can
employ the LABORETTE 24 vibratory feeder in combination with the PUL-
VERISETTE 13 premium line . The feeder can be attached over the feeder
connection on the disk mill's back side. During grinding, it feeds the
sample material automatically to the device.
Be careful when combining the PULVERISETTE 13 premium
line and the LABORETTE 24 for grinding as sample material
may fly out of the funnel of the disk mill. During grinding
therefore, only so much material should be fed via the
channel so that the funnel of the PULVERISETTE 13 pre‐
mium line is filled half full and no sample material can
escape from the grinding chamber. Afterwards, set the
feeding, so that the fill level in the funnel of the disk mill
remains constant.
7.3 Comminution of coarse material in combination with the Jaw Crusher PULVERI-
SETTE 1 premium line
For comminution of coarse material for the subsequent use in the disk
mill, it is used in combination with the Jaw Crusher PULVERISETTE 1 pre‐
mium line.
The comminution is done in this combination in a single pass with 95 mm
(or 65 mm) feed size up to an average particle feed size (d
) of 0.05 mm.
The jaw crusher is placed on a mounting rack (order no. 43.6000.00) over
the disk mill. The material roughly crushed in the jaw crusher passes via
a hopper directly into the funnel of the disk mill.
Feed in only as much sample material into the jaw crusher
as the PULVERISETTE 13 premium line itself can grind.
(Depends on gap width, comminution by batches with col-
lection container: max. 2 L sample material)
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