Oscillator 2 – Elektron Analog Four User Manual
Page 86

OSC 2 (page 1)
TUN (OSC2 Coarse Tune) sets the pitch of the oscillator in semi-
tones. To jump a whole octave, press the knob while turning it.
FIN (OSC2 Fine Tune) fine tunes the pitch of the oscillator. This
knob can be continuously tweaked several turns. TUN is
increased or decreased one semitone for every turn on FIN.
DET (OSC2 Linear Detune) offsets the frequency of the oscillator
by a certain number of hertz (unlike FIN, which adjusts the pitch
in cents). This unique feature gives more detune in the bass
notes, and allows for a different kind of chorus-like detune that
reminds of very old and big analog synthesizers.
TRK (OSC2 Keytrack) decides whether the oscillator pitch
should follow the notes you play. When off, the pitch is constant,
which can come in handy for some drum or effect sounds.
LEV (OSC2 Level) controls the level of the oscillator. Normal
level is 100. The sound can get dirtier at higher levels; lower lev-
els gives a cleaner signal through the filters and also makes filter
resonances more pronounced. Try different levels for different
kinds of sounds.
WAV (OSC2 Waveform) sets the oscillator waveform to Saw-
tooth, Transistor Pulse, Pulse, or Triangle. It is also possible to
choose one of the two External Inputs (to send external sounds
through the filters) or to activate Neighbor, which will route the
audio of the previous track to the currently active track. Note that
selecting a waveform does not change the PW parameter, which
affects the waveshape of the chosen waveform.
SUB (OSC2 Sub Oscillator) sets the oscillator's Sub Oscillator
waveform, or turns it off. The Sub oscillator pitch is fixed at one
or two octaves below the oscillator.
PW (OSC2 Pulsewidth) sets the oscillator waveshape. The mid
position (64) gives the default waveshape. Unlike on most
synths, all four waveforms, selected by WAV, have variable
SPD (OSC2 PWM Speed) sets the speed of the oscillator's PWM
LFO, which can be used to modulate the waveshape back and
forth around the set PW parameter.
PWM (OSC2 PWM Depth) controls the amount of the oscillator's
Pulsewidth Modulation around the set PW parameter. Use this to
add subtle or drastic motion to the sound.
OSC (page 2)
AM1 (Osc1 AM) engages Amplitude Modulation on Oscillator 1,
which means that its signal is switched on/off (multiplied) by the
pulse wave of Oscillator 2. This introduces new harmonics with
frequencies being the sum and difference frequencies of the har-
monics of the two oscillators. The result is related to ring modula-
tion and can give metallic, hollow, or disharmonic sound
qualities. Note that the waveform and pulse width of Oscillator 2
also affects the result, even if that oscillator is not heard.
SMD (Sync Mode) enables oscillator sync between the two oscil-
lators, either Osc2 synchronized to Osc1, Osc1 to Osc2, or Metal
Sync where both oscillators reset each other in a special man-
SNC (Sync Amount) sets the amount or "hardness" of the oscil-
lator sync, meaning how hard the synced oscillator will lock to
the syncing oscillator's frequency. Maximum value gives so-
called "hard sync" with the strongest sync sound. Lower values
gives "soft sync" where the synced oscillator can lock also to
subharmonics of the syncing oscillator. The value zero gives no
sync at all.
BND (Bend Depth) controls the amount of the autobend feature.
The higher the setting, the more the pitch of a trigged note will be
offset. The sound will then glide towards its right pitch. This
parameter is particularly useful in drum sounds or sync sweeps;
if oscillator sync is engaged (SMD) then only the synced oscilla-
tor will bend.
SLI (Note Slide time) controls the slide time of note slides, set in
the NOTE SLIDE menu, and also the autobend time (BND).
AM2 (Osc2 AM) engages Amplitude Modulation on Oscillator 2,
which means that its signal is switched on/off (multiplied) by the
pulse wave of Oscillator 1. See AM1 above.
TRG (Oscillator Retrig) lets the two oscillators start each note in
phase with each other. This can give a stronger and more con-
sistent bass punch thanks to constructive interference, and can
also change the sound character in other ways.
FAD (Vibrato Fade) controls the fade-in or fade-out of the
vibrato. The mid position (0) gives a constant vibrato. Positive
values give a fade-out, negative values give a fade-in.
SPD (Vibrato Speed) controls the frequency of the vibrato LFO
affecting both oscillators.
VIB (Vibrato Depth) sets the amount of vibrato, ranging from
subtle variations to wild sweeps.
The OSC2 pages control the second oscillator and the accompanying suboscillator. Settings that will affect
both oscillators are found here as well.