Arpeggiator setup, Note menu – Elektron Analog Four User Manual
Page 43

LEN controls the length of the arpeggiated notes.
NO2-NO4 selects the offset in semi-tones for three additional arpeggio notes. The offset is
made from the original note trig. The TRK KEY SCALE and TRK KEY NOTE settings found in
the NOTES SETUP menu will affect the note values of the arpeggiated notes.
Please note only the NO2-NO4 parameters can be parameter locked.
Pressing [FUNCTION] + [ARP] opens the ARPEGGIATOR SETUP menu. Here the arpeggiator length and note
offsets are set.
Select the length of the arpeggio by turning DATA ENTRY knob E. The max length is 16 sequencer steps. The
arpeggio notes.
Arpeggio note offsets can be inserted by pressing a [TRIG] key and turning DATA ENTRY knob J. By pressing
several [TRIG] keys simultaneously it is possible to adjust the note offsets of more than one step.
The NOTE menu controls general note settings for the active track. Open by pressing [NOTE]. NOTE menu set-
tings are a part of the pattern, they are not stored together with kits.
The parameter settings seen in the NOTE menu settings are the default settings when placing trigs on the
sequencer. Entering three note trigs, changing for example the note length parameter and then entering three
more note trigs will thus make the last three note trigs share a different note length compared to the first three.
To add individual settings per note, utilize parameter locks. Read more about this feature “PARAMETER
LOCKS” on page 38. µTM, ENV, and LFO settings can only be changed when parameter locked.
NOT is the default note value.
VEL sets the velocity value. The higher the value, the higher the volume of the note. The
default value is 100. Please note that this value will affect any VELOCITY MOD menu assign-
ments. This menu is covered on page 27.
LEN sets the note length.
µTM controls the micro timing offset. A negative value will nudge the trig to a position before
the quantized sequencer step, a positive after. Each micro timing value step is equal to one 1/
384th of a note. When entering note trigs in the LIVE RECORDING mode, they will automati-
cally be micro timed. Read more about this recording mode on page 32.