Track menu, Pattern menu, Track menu pattern menu – Elektron Analog Four User Manual
Page 41

In this menu settings and options related to the active track are found. Open the menu by pressing the [TRACK]
key. Navigate in the list using the [UP]/[DOWN] arrow keys or the SOUND SELECTION wheel. Select options
by pressing [YES]. Change the track that the menu will affect by pressing the [TRACK] keys.
NOTES SETUP contains settings mainly relating to track quantization and scale. It is the
same menu as accessed by pressing [FUNCTION] + [NOTE]. The NOTES SETUP menu is
covered in section “NOTES SETUP” on page 36.
ARP SETUP contains settings for the track arpeggiators. It is the same menu as accessed by
pressing [FUNCTION] + [ARP]. The ARPEGGIATOR SETUP menu is covered on page 35.
RELOAD TRACK will reload the active track. Since tracks are a part of patterns which are
automatically saved, it will either be reloaded to its original auto-saved state or to a specific
saved state which can be determined by utilizing the SAVE TRACK command. Press [NO/
RELOAD] + [TRACK] for a short cut to the RELOAD TRACK command.
SAVE TRACK will save changes made to the active track. This is a special feature available
in addition to the general, automatic, saving of patterns which occurs when patterns are
changed. The feature is useful in situations where an individual track is being worked on, the
results are favorable and you want to keep on working with the track while having the ability to
revert it to a specific saved state. The SAVE TRACK command makes this possible. When
reloading the track, it will not be reloaded to its original, pattern auto-saved, state, but to the
manually saved state. Press [YES/SAVE] + [TRACK] for a short cut to the SAVE TRACK
In the PATTERN menu patterns can be saved and reloaded. Open the menu by pressing [PATTERN]. Select
between the available commands by using the [UP]/[DOWN] arrow keys. Confirm selections with [YES/SAVE].
RELOAD PATTERN will reload the active pattern. It will either be reloaded to its original auto-
saved state or to a specific saved state which can be determined by utilizing the SAVE PAT-
TERN command. Press [NO/RELOAD] + [PATTERN] for a short cut to the RELOAD PAT-
TERN command.
SAVE PATTERN will save changes made to the active pattern. This is a special feature avail-
able in addition to the general, automatic, saving of patterns which occurs when patterns are
changed. The feature is useful in situations where a pattern is being worked on, the results are
favorable and you want to keep on working with the pattern while having the ability to revert to
a specific saved state. The SAVE PATTERN command makes this possible. When reloading
the pattern, it will not be reloaded to its original, auto-saved, state, but to the manually saved
state. Press [YES/SAVE] + [PATTERN] for a short cut to the SAVE PATTERN command.