Cv envelopes – Elektron Analog Four User Manual

Page 101

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Here parameters controlling the two assignable CV envelopes are found. The CV envelopes can modulate parameters
found on the CV track. They can also be sent to the CV/Gate outputs, by setting up a CV channel's type as VALUE LIN.

ENV1 (page 1)

ATK (Env1 Attack) controls the attack time of the Env1 envelope.

DEC (Env1 Decay) controls the decay time of the EnvF enve-

SUS (Env1 Sustain) controls the sustain level of the EnvF enve-

REL (Env1 Release) controls the release time of the EnvF enve-

SHP (Env1 Shape) controls the general shape of the Env1 enve-
lope. Several linear and exponential shapes are available. A dot
to the left of the visual representation of the envelope indicates
that the envelope will restart from level zero. In other cases it will
start from the level it had when being trigged.

LEN (Env1 Gate length) makes it possible to choose another
gate length than whatever trigged the envelope.

DST (Env1 Destination A) selects the first of the two available
destinations for the EnvF envelope. Confirm a selection by
pressing [YES/SAVE].

DEP (Env1 Depth A) controls how much the envelope will modu-
late the destination chosen by the first DST parameter. The knob
is bipolar, meaning that both negative and positive modulation
depth is available.

DST (Env1 Destination B) selects the second of the two availa-
ble destinations for the EnvF envelope. Confirm a selection by
pressing [YES/SAVE].

DEP (Env1 Depth B) controls how much the envelope will modu-
late the destination chosen by the second DST parameter. The
knob is bipolar, meaning that both negative and positive modula-
tion depth is available.

ENV2 (page 2)

ATK (Env2 Attack) controls the attack time of the Env2 envelope.

DEC (Env2 Decay) controls the decay time of the Env2 enve-

SUS (Env2 Sustain) controls the sustain level of the Env2 enve-

REL (Env2 Release) controls the release time of the Env2 enve-

SHP (Env2 Shape) controls the general shape of the Env2 enve-
lope. Several shapes are available.

LEN (Env2 Gate length) makes it possible to choose another
gate length than whatever trigged the envelope.

DST (Env2 Destination A) selects the first of the two available
destinations for the Env2 envelope. Confirm a selection by
pressing [YES/SAVE].

DEP (Env2 Depth A) controls how much the envelope will modu-
late the destination chosen by the first DST parameter. The knob
is bipolar, meaning that both negative and positive modulation
depth is available

DST (Env2 Destination B) selects the second of the two availa-
ble destinations for the Env2 envelope. Confirm a selection by
pressing [YES/SAVE].

DEP (Env2 Depth B) controls how much the envelope will modu-
late the destination chosen by the second DST parameter. The
knob is bipolar, meaning that both negative and positive modula-
tion depth is available.