Elektron Analog Four User Manual
Page 63

TYPE selects the type of signal that will be sent from the output. GROUNDED, PITCH V/OCT,
PITCH HZ/V, VALUE LIN, TRIG and GATE settings can be made. Depending on the selection,
different parameters will be available.
• GROUNDED turns the CV output off. No additional parameters available.
• PITCH V/OCT should be chosen for controlling the pitch of equipment using the volt
per octave standard, which applies to most analog synthesizers.
• PITCH HZ/V should be chosen for controlling the pitch of equipment using the herz
per volt standard, which applies to for example older Korg and Yamaha synths.
• VALUE LIN is used to send out arbitrary control voltages, useful when for instance
sequencing or parameter locking any voltage-controlled parameters on analog equip-
VALUE MIN sets the lowest allowed voltage level that can be sent from the CV/
Gate output.
VALUE MAX sets the highest allowed voltage level that can be sent from the
CV/Gate output. Normally it is not dangerous to connect voltages within +/- 15 V
to analog equipment, but use these limitations if you are unsure.
• TRIG is used to send out short trig pulses at the start of note events.
LENGTH selects the length of trig signals sent. Some equipment might not trig
correctly on the shortest pulses, so try different lengths if you experience prob-
lems when trying to trig.
POLARITY selects the polarity of trig signals sent. V-TRIG and S-TRIG options
exist. V-trig (voltage trigger) is a trig pulse going from 0 V to a user-defined volt-
age level. S-TRIG (short circuit trigger) goes the other way, from a user-defined
voltage level to 0 V. V-TRIG is the most common trig polarity. S-TRIG is primar-
ily used by older Moog, Korg and Yamaha synths.
LEVEL selects the level of trigs sent, measured in volts. The standard logic
level of +5 V is enough to trig most equipment, but some might need higher
voltages to react.
• GATE gives a longer pulse, with a duration of the whole note length.
POLARITY works as the same parameter available when TYPE is set to TRIG.
LEVEL works as the same parameter available when TYPE is set to TRIG.
• CLOCK will send periodical pulses with a period synced to the sequencer step length.
CLK sets the clock division of the pulse.