The background of analog keys – Elektron Analog Four User Manual

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Working with a proper synthesizer is a musical experience hard to beat. The tactility, the fluent interaction, and
the expressive potential open up another – maybe more direct – way of making music. Less logic, more feeling.
The musical output is bound to be different and more personal, and should one adhere to the French linguist
Roland Barthes' idea about the humiliated repetition being one of the negative aspects of culture (The Pleasure
of the Text, 1973), this difference can, so to speak, make all the difference.

The idea of the Analog Keys came to us after we had made the Analog Four; a groundbreaking analog tabletop
synthesizer. We realized the spirit of the Analog Four would be very much at home in a larger, more perfor-
mance oriented, machine. Just like its smaller sibling, the Analog Keys features the same deep approach to
analog synthesis, the same brilliant effects, and the same capable Elektron step sequencer. Added were ele-
ments aimed at making it more suited for the stage. The keyboard, the joystick, the dedicated buttons, the indi-
vidual outputs, and all the other design choices are results of this ambition. The Analog Keys has, in other
words, been conceived with full focus on playability.

We are incredibly proud of the Analog Keys and we believe we have accomplished our goal of creating a flag-
ship analog performance synthesizer. And we hope you will feel the same way.

Enjoy the power of true hardware,

The Elektron Team

Analog Keys REFERENCE MANUAL for operating system version 1.12. This manual is copyright © 2014 Elektron Music Machines MAV AB. All
reproduction without written authorization is strictly prohibited. The information in this manual may change without notice. Elektron’s product
names, logotypes, titles, words or phrases may be registered and protected by Swedish and international law. All other brand or product names
are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.