Midi channels – Elektron Analog Four User Manual

Page 58

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If MIDI+USB is selected in the INPUT FROM and/or OUTPUT TO settings, MIDI data transfers might
limit the USB speed.

OUTPUT CH selects whether the KEYBOARD and the knobs will send data on the auto chan-
nel or the MIDI channel of the selected track.

PARAM OUTPUT selects what type of MIDI messages the DATA ENTRY knobs will send. For
information about which CC/NRPN parameters that will be sent, please see “Appendix D:

• NRPN will make the knobs send out NRPN MIDI messages.

• CC will make the knobs send out CC MIDI messages.

ENCODER CFG controls whether the DATA ENTRY and LEVEL knobs will send MIDI data or
not. When set to INT, no MIDI data will be sent.

KEYBOARD CFG controls whether the keys of the KEYBOARD will send MIDI note data or
not. When set to INT, no MIDI data will be sent.

RECEIVE NOTES will, when active, make it possible to play Analog Keys using an external
MIDI keyboard.

RECEIVE CC/NRPN will when active make it possible to control Analog Keys parameters
from an external MIDI device sending CC/NRPN data.

This menu handles the MIDI channel configuration.

TRACK 1-4, FX, CV selects dedicated MIDI tracks that will control the synth, FX and CV
tracks. An OFF setting will make the track disregard any incoming MIDI messages.

PERF CHANNEL selects the MIDI channel the knobs will send MIDI data on when PERFOR-
MANCE mode is active.

AUTO CHANNEL selects the MIDI channel that will give access to the currently active track. If
an external MIDI keyboard connected to Analog Keys sends MIDI data on this channel, the
keyboard will control the active track. This is useful when for example quickly changing
between the active synth tracks to play different Sounds.

PROGRAM CHANGE IN CHANNEL selects the MIDI channel that will listen for incoming pro-
gram change messages. An AUTO setting will use the AUTO channel. Enable Analog Keys to
respond to program change messages in the MIDI SYNC menu, covered on page 48.

PROGRAM CHANGE OUT CHANNEL selects the MIDI channel that will send program
change messages when changing patterns. An AUTO setting will use the AUTO channel.
Enable Analog Keys to send program change messages in the MIDI SYNC menu, covered on
page 48.