Performance mute, Performance mixer, Performance mute performance mixer – Elektron Analog Four User Manual

Page 27

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Up to five track parameters can be assigned to a performance macro. Parameters can be
selected from all six tracks. Select from which tracks parameters will be assigned by clicking
DATA ENTRY knobs A-E. Select the track parameters that will be assigned by turning DATA
knobs A-E. Confirm a selection by clicking the knob or by pressing [YES/SAVE].
DATA ENTRY knobs F-J are used to set the depth of the five track parameters. The depth is
an offset of the original track parameter value.

By default the parameter macro knob spans a parameter value range of 0-127. A parameter
macro value of 0 will not introduce any changes to the sound. Press the LEVEL knob to make
the performance macro knob work in a bipolar fashion, making the parameter macro value
range go from -64 to +63.

While a pattern or Sound is playing, turn the LEVEL knob to preview how the performance
macro affects the sound.

PERFORMANCE mode parameters are not possible to parameter lock.

If for example the depth of the OSC1 PITCH of track 1 is set to 63 and the parameter macro is set
to a non-bipolar mode, turning the parameter macro knob to 127 will introduce a parameter value
offset of +63 to the OSC1 PITCH parameter. If the macro knob is set to a bipolar mode, turning the
parameter macro value to +63 will introduce a parameter value offset of +63 to the OSC1 PITCH
parameter. Conversely, turning the parameter macro knob to -64 will introduce a parameter value
offset of -64 to the OSC1 PITCH parameter.

Use parameter macros to affect the most relevant parameters when playing live. By carefully set-
ting up parameter macros you might find that you don't have to leave this mode at all during your
live set.

PERFORMANCE RENAME allows performance macro knobs to be named. Use the [UP] and [DOWN] arrow
keys to select the DATA ENTRY knob corresponding to the performance macro that will be named. Press [YES/
to confirm the selection. The NAMING menu will appear.

Track muting, also covered on page 29, can be carried out while in PERFORMANCE mode. When in PERFOR-
MANCE mode, [TRIG] keys 1-6 mute the tracks. An outlined square in the track mute section and a full bright
LED means a track is audible. A minus sign and a quarter-bright LED indicates the track is
muted. While holding [FUNCTION] and pressing the six first [TRIG] keys, the mute changes will be held until
[FUNCTION] is released. A track that is currently muted, but will be unmuted when [FUNCTION] is released, is
indicated by a “+” sign and a half-bright LED. A track that is currently not muted, but will be muted when
is released, is indicated by an asterisk and a half-bright, blinking LED.

When PERFORMANCE mode is active, pressing [PERFORMANCE] will open the PERFORMANCE MIXER
menu. In this menu the level of the tracks can be controlled with DATA ENTRY knobs A-E.