Doepfer Wheel Electronic User Manual

Page 8

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Page 8

Wheel Electronic V1.0

User's Guide

Connection of a momentary or
toggle switch (version 1)

Connection of a momentary or

toggle switch (version 2)

Measuring input

Measuring input

Linear potentiometers with resistance values 4k7 ... 100k can be used. We recommend 10k

Important: Unused measuring inputs have to be connected to GND or +5V. Avoid open inputs !
An open input will cause the transmission of random Midi data causing undesirable side effects
at the Midi receiver (e.g. Midi overflow or random parameter fluctuations). E.g. jumpers can be
used to connect the center pin of ST1…ST4 to GND (left position) or +5V (right position).

Even momentary or toggle switches can be connected to ST1…ST4 altought WE was not
developed for this application. The switches can be used in two different ways:

state of rest

active state


data voltage Midi

data voltage

version 1





version 2





Simple momentary switches (1 contact, open at rest) or simple toggle switches (1 contact
on/off) are required. According to the desired behaviour (version 1 or 2 in the above table) the
switch has to be wired correspondingly:

Connecting a rotary potentiometer

to ST1…ST4

(valid for potentiometers of

modulation wheels, foot controllers

and joysticks too)

Connecting a fader potentiometer

to ST1…ST4

measuring input

measuring input



