Reverse safety switch, Seat safety switch – Cub Cadet RZT-S Series User Manual

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Reverse Safety Switch

The Reverse Safety Switch is mounted on the right

brake pedal shaft support bracket. It is the same part num-
ber as the parking brake switch. It has two sets of con-
tacts, but only the normally open (NO) set is used.
See Figure 7.4.

When the reverse pedal is depressed, the
reverse pedal bracket swings up and
depresses the reverse switch plunger before it
starts to move the control linkage.When the
plunger is depressed, the contacts are closed
providing a ground path to the PTO relay.

NOTE: A pig tail is taped to the harness at the

reverse switch. Currently, there are no head-
lights available for these mowers.

Seat Safety Switch

The Seat Safety Switch is mounted inside the seat. It

contains two sets of NO contacts See Figure 7.5.

The yellow wire with black trace goes to the
PTO relay. When the seat is vacant, the con-
tacts close, providing a ground path to the coil
of the PTO relay. This will energize the relay,
deactivating the PTO clutch.

The yellow wire with white trace goes to the
brake switch. When the seat is vacant, the con-
tacts close, providing a ground path in series
with the brake switch. If the brakes are not
applied and the seat is empty, the circuit is
completed, shorting out the primary windings of
the magneto, turning off the engine.

The two green wires are ground wires.

The most common problems are likely to be
caused by bad grounds in the green wires.

NOTE: The seat switch connector is a shorted NC connector. That means when the connector is unplugged, a

tiny jumper inside the connector shorts out the contacts. When the connector is shorted, the circuit
thinks that the seat is empty.

Figure 7.4

Reverse switch

Headlight pigtail

Reverse pedal

Figure 7.5

Seat safety switch