Checkline ETW User Manual
Page 4
Electromatic Equipment Co., Inc.
Select port:
select communication port you wish to use to communicate
with the wrench
Change password:
Type current password. Type new password. Confirm new
Current mode :
Select mode you wish wrench to operate in. Selection will
take effect after data is stored using ‘store to wrench
Current units:
Select the units you wish wrench to operate in. Selection
will take effect after data is stored using ‘store to wrench
Current language:
Select the language you wish wrench to operate in.
Selection will take effect after data is stored using ‘store to
wrench button’
Wrench span:
The span of measurement of the wrench for example Span
100Nm would have a range of 2-100Nm.
Period of calibration: Set number of days to next calibration or it can be set by
number of measurements.
Calibrated on:
Date of last calibration.
Activate calibration:
Acti vates the calibration option in the wrench menu. You
must begin calibration before the wrench powers down.
Default calibration:
Allows wrench reset. All data/settings stored in the wrench
will be cleared and default calibration values for the
wrench’s specific calibration span will be programmed.
Power off wrench:
Allows soft power down of the wrench.
Store to wrench:
Store all current pc front settings to wrench. Wrench will
automatically power down after store.
Load from file:
Loads a previously created file containing preset data, into
the PCFE front preset window (top left).
Save to file:
Saves PCFE displayed preset data to file.
Clear all presets:
Clears presets from the PCFE presets window.
Set a preset:
Click on any preset location number in the PCFE presets
window. Set the required nominal, min, max Tolerance and
units. Store settings to the wrench.
Continuous upload:
Allows real time communication of measurements to the
PCFE. Wrench must be connected to the PC.
Electromatic Equipment Co., Inc.
PCFE Window
The Top half of the PCFE displays Wrench Configuration data, the Bottom section
allows the user to manage the stored wrench data.
The right upper half of the PCFE windows, displays data such as Wrench serial
Number, Make, Model, Wrench Span and Units of measurement. The date of
calibration and the period of calibration are also shown in this section.
The left upper section displays the Presets stored in the wrench - the user can
choose to use the PCFE to set the preset's or it can be done manually on the
The bottom half of the PCFE window displays any stored measurements on the
wrench It displays wrench location number, date and time of reading, Torque
readings, Preset data, units of measurement and the mode that was used to take
the torque measurement.