Warning, Electrical panel installation – Steffes 8188 User Manual
Page 15

Step 1
Reinstall the painted front panel on the Air Handler to aid in installation of the electrical panel.
Step 2
Remove the electrical panel front cover and locate the installation hardware package.
Step 3
Remove 1/2" knockout and 1" knockout from sides of electrical panel and Storage Module(s) to allow
connection. DO NOT remove any uneeded knockouts.
Step 4
Lift the electrical panel onto the support bend of the Air Handler's painted front panel.
Step 5
Secure the electrical panel to the Air Handler with the five 8 x 3/4" sheet metal screws shipped with
the outlet damper kit.
Step 6
Remove the lower painted front panel of the Air Handler.
Step 7
Connect the 9-pin blower harness from the Air Handler to the harness from the electrical panel.
Knockout must be effectively sealed by connector.
Step 8
277/347 only. Remove one 1/2" knockout from lower left hand bottom panel and connect straight seal-
tite connector on conduit to bottom of electrical panel. Connect the other end of the conduit to dry type
enclosed transformer. Mount the transformer to the Air Handler's painted front panel. Make connec-
tions according to instructions with transformer.
Install only the proper size and type fuses in the factory supplied fuse block.
Step 11 Attach the Storage Module(s) to the Air Handler using the C-drives provided (Figure 9). Bend excess
length of drives over to seal the damper area (Figure 10).
Step 12 Route the orange limit switch wires through the
pre-installed plastic cable ties on the inside of
the Air Handler.
Step 13 Connect the orange limit switch wires from the
Storage Module(s) to the orange wires from the
electrical panel. When installing dual Storage
Modules it is important to connect the wires
from the left side of the electrical panel to the
left Storage Module and the wires from the
right side of the electrical panel to the right
Storage Module.
Step 14 Secure the damper actuator linkage(s) to the
damper actuator arm(s) inserting the supplied
spring clips through the hole in the pivot connec-
tor. The top hole in the actuator arm MUST be
used for the right side damper. (See Figure 11.)
The upper pivot hole on the actuator arm is for the
right side Storage Module. The lower pivot hole on
the actuator arm is for the left side Storage Module.
Step 15 Adjust damper linkage length(s) appropriately to ensure the
damper(s) fully close. Check the ball end linkage connector on the
damper. The nut side MUST be facing the front of the system. If
not, it MUST be inverted.
Step 16 With the system de-energized, adjust the linkage by rotating the
quick disconnect end of the linkage until the damper is pressed
firmly in the closed position.
Risk of fire and/or equipment damage. When
installing dual Storage Modules it is important
to connect the orange/black wires from the left
side of the electrical panel to the left Storage
Module and the right side wires to the right
Storage Module.