3 setup--about, 4 setup--test, Setup--about setup--test – Dillon EDXtreme (Old) User Manual

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EDxtreme User Instructions


4.1.3 Setup--About

The next soft key is the About. The About menu shows an assortment of information
about your Dillon instrument. This can be handy for maintaining calibration,
troubleshooting or determining if the firmware can be upgraded. Press this and access
the following soft key set (refer to Figure 4):


Press this to see software revision and dynamometer information.


This soft key access the following soft key set:


Press this key to display the calibration loading points. This is
useful information that can be keyed in manually in the event
instrument memory is ever accidentally overwritten or corrupted.


Press this key to transmit all the calibration information available
to a serial printer or computer.


Lists the number of overloads that have occurred since the last calibration.


Lists the current zero point compared to the calibration zero point. If the
zero point has moved significantly, this may indicate a serious overload
has occurred and the instrument should be returned for service.


Lists radio information; the enabled channel and identifier.

4.1.4 Setup--Test

The Test functions can help service technicians remotely diagnose your Dillon
instrument by showing information on key internal functions. Typically these menus will
have significance only to trained technicians. You may look at these menus without
technical guidance, but the information may have little meaning, or an error may be
reported that may not exist.

Press this key to access the items described below (refer to Figure




Press this key to perform a battery test. This shows the battery level in A-
D counts and approximate voltage. Voltage is not calibrated.


Press this key to test the A-D section of the EDX. You need to apply force
to change the counts and test the unit. The A-D is the electronics portion
that converts analog load cell signal to digital numbers.


Press this key to perform a display test. Stop the test by pressing the ESC


Press this key to perform key tests. Any key pressed will be reflected in the
display. Press ESC to end the test.


Press this key to perform a self-test of the radio’s system.


The serial test is an internally conducted diagnostic which requires a
jumper across transmit and receive. This requires a plug or cable
assembly. Press the following soft key:

Dillon suggests that calibration data be recorded and saved.

This manual is related to the following products: